
Posts by borges

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11/7/2013 - Retired Boomers Will Hurt Consumer Spending, Economic Growth (Bloomberg Businessweek)

by on November 11, 2013 8:44 pm
Retired Ford Motor (F) worker Tony Fransetta scrimps on every expense now that he earns about one-third of his final pay since leaving the auto company in 1990. “There is no magic bullet,” says Fransetta, 77, who lives in Wellington, Fla., near West Palm Beach. “I have cut vacations and travel. You have to manage… Read more 11/7/2013 - Retired Boomers Will Hurt Consumer Spending, Economic Growth (Bloomberg Businessweek)
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10/30/2013 - Why raise Social Security full retirement? (MarketWatch)

by on October 30, 2013 6:44 pm
Last week’s blog post argued that Social Security’s real retirement age is 70.  Monthly benefits are highest at age 70 and are actuarially reduced for each year claimed before that age.  Claiming at 62 instead of 70 lowers a hypothetical monthly benefit from $1,000 to $568.  Age 70 became Social Security’s retirement age with the… Read more 10/30/2013 - Why raise Social Security full retirement? (MarketWatch)
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10/29/2013 - Boomer job seekers face less competition (MarketWatch)

by on October 29, 2013 5:45 pm
The job market took a small step forward recently: A higher number of job openings in August meant there were fewer job seekers competing for each spot. But your job-hunting experience will vary widely depending on which industry you’re in. For older workers, the news is mixed. While their unemployment rate dipped, those 55 and… Read more 10/29/2013 - Boomer job seekers face less competition (MarketWatch)
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10/28/2013 - Middle class struggling to save for retirement (LifeHealthPro)

by on October 29, 2013 4:55 pm
As it becomes harder and harder for middle class Americans to meet their monthly financial obligations, funding their retirement is becoming less and less of a priority; a trend that will lead to Americans working longer, which could have widespread social and economic implications for the country. Read the full article at LifeHealthPro.
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10/25/2013 - For Some, Joblessness Is Not a Temporary Problem (New York Times)

by on October 28, 2013 7:52 pm
Most Americans who lose their jobs these days are able to find new ones quickly. But those who do not are likely to remain unemployed for a long time. In some other industrialized countries, long-term unemployment has risen to record levels, even as overall unemployment has begun to decline. Read the full article at the… Read more 10/25/2013 - For Some, Joblessness Is Not a Temporary Problem (New York Times)
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10/21/2013 - Boomers reinvent themselves in retirement (USA Today)

by on October 21, 2013 7:19 pm
The Baby Boomers who grew up during the hippie counterculture movement are unlikely to follow in their parents’ footsteps as they approach retirement. But Boomers, many of whom are turning 65, have no road maps. They not only have to figure out how to make their money last, but they need to reinvent themselves in… Read more 10/21/2013 - Boomers reinvent themselves in retirement (USA Today)
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10/21/2013 - What Do Managers Think about Flexibility? (Sloan Center for Aging and Work)

by on October 21, 2013 5:22 pm
Flexible work options–especially those that provide for variations in the time or place of work–are strategies often suggested to enhance employee effectiveness. And yet, like good jobs in general, access to flexible work options is limited and unevenly allocated. Even when employers adopt formal policies to provide latitude in scheduling or place of work, managers… Read more 10/21/2013 - What Do Managers Think about Flexibility? (Sloan Center for Aging and Work)

10/17/2013 - Misleading Numbers on 401(k)'s (New York Times)

by on October 21, 2013 5:10 pm
Are you upset about what happened to your 401(k) account during and after the financial crisis? Perhaps you shouldn’t be, says a trade group for the companies that manage those accounts. Read the full article at the New York Times.

10/14/2013 - Retirement roulette is the new American normal (CNBC)

by on October 15, 2013 12:06 am
Deciding when to retire is one of the most important, and difficult, decisions an individual has to make, and it’s not supposed to be a decision based on fear. That’s exactly what’s happening, though, across the United States. Fears of vanishing benefits have become a key factor for public sector workers nearing retirement age. At… Read more 10/14/2013 - Retirement roulette is the new American normal (CNBC)

10/14/2013 - Aging America: Poll shows retirement coming later in life (Seattle Times)

by on October 14, 2013 6:23 pm
Stung by a recession that sapped investments and home values, but expressing widespread job satisfaction, older Americans appear to have accepted the reality of a retirement that comes later in life and no longer represents a complete exit from the workforce. Some 82 percent of working Americans over 50 say it is at least somewhat… Read more 10/14/2013 - Aging America: Poll shows retirement coming later in life (Seattle Times)