Category: Uncategorized

Brian Wandell

by on June 15, 2011 5:44 pm
Isaac and Madeline Stein Family Professor of Psychology and Professor, by courtesy, of Electrical Engineering and Radiology Department: Psychology Research interests: Visual neuroscience using functional and structural MRI along with behavior testing and modeling to understand the action of the visual portions of the brain; studies of the organization of the visual field maps in… Read more Brian Wandell

Anthony Wagner

by on June 15, 2011 5:43 pm
Associate Professor and Director, Stanford Memory Lab Department: Psychology Research interests: Cognitive neuroscience of memory and cognitive/executive control in young and older adults; encoding and retrieval mechanisms; interactions between declarative, nondeclarative, and working memory; forms of cognitive control; neurocognitive aging; functional organization of prefrontal cortex and the medial temporal lobe, assessed by functional MRI, MEG/EEG,… Read more Anthony Wagner

Shripad Tuljapurkar

by on June 15, 2011 5:42 pm
The Dean and Virginia Morrison Professor of Population Studies Department: Biology Research interests: The dynamics and evolution of human and natural populations; sensitivity and extinction dynamics in the presence of disturbance, population aging and age structural transitions, evolution of senescence Email: Phone: (650) 724-4171 Address: Herrin Labs 454 Stanford, California 94305 Website:

Jeanne Tsai

by on June 15, 2011 5:41 pm
Associate Professor of Psychology/ Director, Culture and Emotion Lab Department: Psychology Research interests: Cultural shaping of emotion and mental health across the life span Email: Phone: (650) 736-1843 Address: Building 420, Room 171 Stanford, California 94305 Website:
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John Shoven

by on June 15, 2011 5:40 pm
Charles R. Schwab Professor of Economics; Wallace R. Hawley Director, SIEPR; Senior Fellow, by courtesy, Hoover Institution Department: Economics Research interests: Corporate finance (dividend behavior, mergers and acquisitions, share repurchase), social security and private pensions, stock and bond returns, mutual funds, federal, personal and corporate income taxation, international cost-of-capital comparisons, applied general equilibrium analysis Email:… Read more John Shoven
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Richard Saller

by on June 15, 2011 5:39 pm
Vernon R. & Lysbeth Warren Anderson Dean of School of Humanities and Sciences/ Professor of Classics and of History Department: History Research interests: Roman social and economic history, in particular patronage relations, the family and the imperial economy; issues of social hierarchy, gender distinctions and economic production with the aid of current social science theory… Read more Richard Saller
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Lee Ross

by on June 15, 2011 5:38 pm
Stanford Federal Credit Union Professor of Psychology Department: Psychology Research interests: Sources of interpersonal and intergroup misunderstanding; psychological barriers that prevent disputants from reaching mutually agreeable improvements over the status quo; developing strategies for overcoming these barriers to promote more effective conflict resolution Email: Phone: (650) 725-2449 Address: Department of Psychology Jordan Hall, Building… Read more Lee Ross
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Byron Reeves

by on June 15, 2011 5:37 pm
Paul C. Edwards Professor of Communication/ Co-Founder and Faculty Co-Director of the H-STAR Institute (Human Sciences and Technologies Advanced Research) and its industrial affiliate program, Media X Department: Communication Research interests: The psychological processing of media in the areas of attention, emotions, learning, and physiological responses Email: Phone: (650) 725-3033 Address: Wallenberg Hall, Bldg… Read more Byron Reeves
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John Perry

by on June 15, 2011 5:36 pm
Henry Waldgrave Stuart Professor of Philosophy Emeritus Department: Philosophy Research interests: Philosophy of language, metaphysics, and philosophy of mind; situation semantics, reflexivity, indexicality, and self-knowledge Email: Phone: (650) 723-1619 Address: Bldn 100 Rm, 1011 Stanford, CA 94305 Website:
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John Pencavel

by on June 15, 2011 5:34 pm
The Pauline K. Levin-Robert L. Levin and Pauline C. Levin-Abraham Levin Professor in the School of Humanities & Sciences & Senior Fellow, by courtesy, at Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research Department: Economics Research interests: Labor economics, development economics; income inequality; worker-owned firms; labor unions; microeconomics Email: Phone: (650) 723-3981 Address: Landau Economics Building… Read more John Pencavel