Category: Uncategorized

11/26/2013 - What -- us tired? Elderly say they're less exhausted than teens

by on November 26, 2013 8:49 pm
Elderly people say they feel much less tired than teenagers and younger adults, according to a surprising new study that tracked how nearly 13,000 Americans rated their exhaustion. Read the full article at Los Angeles Times.

Paul Brest

by on November 9, 2013 12:01 am
Professor of Law, Emeritus Department: Law School Research interests: Judgment and decision making and philanthropy Email: Address: Neukom Building Room N240 Stanford, California 94305 Website:

Ranak Trivedi

by on November 8, 2013 11:56 pm
Clinical Assistant Professor of Psychiatry & Behavioral Science Research interests: Improving psychosocial well-being of chronically ill patients; barriers and facilitators of chronic illness self-management, with a focus on alleviating mental illness and improving caregiver involvement Email: Phone: (650) 493-5000 ext. 25225 Address: 795 Willow Rd Center for Innovation to Implementation (Ci2i) Bldg 324 (152-MPD)… Read more Ranak Trivedi
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10/17/2013 - Misleading Numbers on 401(k)'s (New York Times)

by on October 21, 2013 5:10 pm
Are you upset about what happened to your 401(k) account during and after the financial crisis? Perhaps you shouldn’t be, says a trade group for the companies that manage those accounts. Read the full article at the New York Times.

10/5/2013 - Financial Literacy, Beyond the Classroom (New York Times)

by on October 7, 2013 4:33 pm
Even if we grade on a very generous curve, many Americans flunk when it comes to financial literacy. Consider this three-item quiz: Suppose you had $100 in a savings account and the interest rate was 2 percent a year. After five years, how much do you think you would have if you left the money… Read more 10/5/2013 - Financial Literacy, Beyond the Classroom (New York Times)
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9/5/2013 - A Rich Retirement: Are you saving enough?

by on September 5, 2013 3:30 pm
Lately, we’ve heard a lot in the news about a potential retirement crisis in this country. People just aren’t saving enough. So that begs the question: How much are you supposed to save? Read the full article at CBS MoneyWatch.  
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by on August 23, 2013 5:21 pm
NEWS [showposts category=”52″ order=”DESC” num=”5″]View archive Faculty Advisors: Jay Bhattacharya, MD, PhD, Gopi Shah Goda, PhD, Hazel Markus, PhD, William F. Sharpe, PhD, John Shoven, PhD In an age of unprecedented longevity, a focus on lifelong individual financial security has never been more crucial. The mission of the Financial Security Division is to bring a unique interdisciplinary perspective to… Read more FINANCIAL SECURITY (DRAFT)
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8/9/2013 - U.S. Companies Thrive As Workers Fall Behind (New York Times)

by on August 12, 2013 3:34 pm
American companies are more profitable than ever — and more profitable than we thought they were before the government revised the national income accounts last week. Wage earners are making less than we thought, in part because the government now thinks it was overestimating the amount of income not reported by taxpayers. Read the full… Read more 8/9/2013 - U.S. Companies Thrive As Workers Fall Behind (New York Times)

6/6/2013 - Wealth Lost in Slump Returns (Wall Street Journal)

by on June 10, 2013 5:27 pm
Americans have rebuilt much of the wealth they lost during the recession. The net worth of U.S. households and nonprofit organizations—the value of homes, stocks and other assets minus debts and other liabilities—jumped 4.5%, or about $3 trillion, in the first three months of 2013 to $70.349 trillion. That is the highest in nominal terms… Read more 6/6/2013 - Wealth Lost in Slump Returns (Wall Street Journal)
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5/23/2013 - Three in Four U.S. Workers Plan to Work Past Retirement Age (Gallup)

by on May 23, 2013 4:10 pm
Three-quarters of U.S. adult workers believe they will continue working past retirement age, with 40% saying they will do so because they want to, and 35% because they will have to. A much smaller percentage — 19% — fit the prototypical retirement scenario of someone who plans to stop working at retirement age by choice.… Read more 5/23/2013 - Three in Four U.S. Workers Plan to Work Past Retirement Age (Gallup)