Category: Demographics

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1/30/2014 - Americans shrug off worries over aging world population

by on January 30, 2014 5:46 pm
A Pew Research Center report looks at the challenges of aging in 21 countries. Read the full article at USA Today.
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1/21/2014 - Asia’s Aging Population Will Be a Topic at Davos

by on January 21, 2014 5:18 pm
As business and political leaders gather in Davos, Switzerland, much of the conversation about Asia will focus on the immediate challenges facing the region: China’s economic overhaul; the upcoming elections in India, Indonesia and Thailand; Japan’s efforts to ramp up growth; and the impact of the United States Federal Reserve’s moves to dial back its… Read more 1/21/2014 - Asia’s Aging Population Will Be a Topic at Davos
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1/5/2014 - Japan’s Aging Reflects Asia’s Future

by on January 5, 2014 8:31 pm
By 2060, Japan’s population will fall by nearly a third, according to the latest figures from the National Institute of Population and Social Security Research. Nearly 40% of those people will be 65 or older. Read the full article at The Wall Street Journal.
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10/23/2013 - Aging Population Could Trim 3% Off China GDP Growth

by on October 23, 2013 4:58 pm
China’s one-child policy has hastened such a big slowdown in China’s working-age population that the country’s demographic future is starting to look a lot more like that of rich nations—and that’s bad news for China. Read the full article at The Wall Street Journal.
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9/30/2013 - Global Study: World Not Ready for Aging Population

by on September 30, 2013 5:06 pm
The world is aging so fast that most countries are not prepared to support their swelling numbers of elderly people, according to a global study going out Tuesday by the United Nations and an elder rights group. Read the full article at ABC News.

9/22/2013 - The aging in Asia face a new decade like no other

by on September 22, 2013 5:29 pm
Asia is expected to see one clear demographic trend emerge in the next decade: a widening divide between the southeast, where the working-age population is growing at a strong pace, and the northeast, where the labor force is forecast to shrink. Read the full article at CNBC.
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8/14/2013 - Animated chart shows the aging of America

by on August 14, 2013 2:35 pm
This chart shows the distribution of the U.S. population by age over time, starting at 1900 and ending with Census Bureau forecasts between now and 2060. Read the full article at The Washington Post.
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7/18/2013 - Racial Disparities in Life Spans Narrow, but Persist

by on July 18, 2013 12:01 pm
The gap in life expectancy between black and white Americans is at its narrowest since the federal government started systematically tracking it in the 1930s, but a difference of nearly four years remains, and federal researchers have detailed why in a new report. Read the full article at The New York Times.
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6/24/2013 - International Aging: It's Not What You Think

by on June 24, 2013 3:38 pm
Although most of us know that the world is aging, the stereotype persists that aging is somehow fundamentally different in the developed, wealthier world. Developing countries, this story goes, have a large younger population — due to greater fertility and poor health care that leads to earlier death of older adults — but also revere… Read more 6/24/2013 - International Aging: It's Not What You Think

6/13/2013 - Census Benchmark for White Americans: More Deaths Than Births

by on June 13, 2013 2:47 pm
Deaths exceeded births among non-Hispanic white Americans for the first time in at least a century, according to new census data, a benchmark that heralds profound demographic change. Read the full article at The New York Times.