Category: Longevity News 2011

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11/19/2011 - Goodbye, Golden Years

by on November 19, 2011 5:17 pm
Dr. B. Boomer — an unfortunate, but fictional, dentist — worked and saved for years, only to see her portfolio shrivel after a series of investments in orthodontia-related dot-coms a decade ago. She then put her money into seemingly safe financial firms, like A.I.G., and was hammered during the subsequent downturn. Her plan to retire… Read more 11/19/2011 - Goodbye, Golden Years
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11/18/2011 - Older, Suburban and Struggling, ‘Near Poor’ Startle the Census

by on November 18, 2011 5:24 pm
When the Census Bureau this month released a new measure of poverty, meant to better count disposable income, it began altering the portrait of national need. Perhaps the most startling differences between the old measure and the new involves data the government has not yet published, showing 51 million people with incomes less than 50… Read more 11/18/2011 - Older, Suburban and Struggling, ‘Near Poor’ Startle the Census
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11/17/2011 - Census Bureau Releases Comprehensive Analysis of Fast-Growing 90-and-Older Population

by on November 17, 2011 11:46 pm
The nation’s 90-and-older population nearly tripled over the past three decades, reaching 1.9 million in 2010, according to a report released today by the U.S. Census Bureau and supported by the National Institute on Aging. Over the next four decades, this population is projected to more than quadruple. Read the full article at U.S. Census… Read more 11/17/2011 - Census Bureau Releases Comprehensive Analysis of Fast-Growing 90-and-Older Population
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11/16/2011 - New, less expensive, technique may help detect -- or rule out -- Alzheimer's

by on November 16, 2011 9:24 pm
Hospitals around the country may already have the technology to inexpensively diagnose – or rule out – Alzheimer’s disease, two new studies suggest. Read the full article at
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11/16/2011 - For Retirement, Is 80 the New 65?

by on November 16, 2011 9:17 pm
The traditional retirement age of 65 is an outdated concept and middle-class Americans expect to continue working far longer, according to a survey released today by Wells Fargo & Co. Read the full article at ABC News
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11/02/2011 - Purging Cells in Mice Is Found to Combat Aging Ills

by on November 4, 2011 1:23 am
In a potentially fundamental advance, researchers have opened up a novel approach to combating the effects of aging with the discovery that a special category of cells, known as senescent cells, are bad actors that promote the aging of the tissues. Cleansing the body of the cells, they hope, could postpone many of the diseases… Read more 11/02/2011 - Purging Cells in Mice Is Found to Combat Aging Ills
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10/31/2011 - A Nursing Home Shrinks Until It Feels Like a Home

by on November 2, 2011 2:23 pm
Toni Davis spent much of her childhood roaming the corridors of a nursing home in West Orange, N.J., where her mother was the director. Even now she recalls the pleas of the residents there: “ ‘Please help me, please take me home with you,’ they’d beg,” Ms. Davis said. “I remember asking my mom, ‘Why can’t… Read more 10/31/2011 - A Nursing Home Shrinks Until It Feels Like a Home
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10/31/2011 - Happiness Associated With Longer Life

by on November 1, 2011 3:54 pm
Happy people don’t just enjoy life; they’re likely to live longer, too. A new study has found that those in better moods were 35% less likely to die in the next 5 years when taking their life situations into account. Read the full article at Science
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10/27/2011 - Overpopulation Isn't The Problem: It's Too Few Babies

by on October 28, 2011 1:18 am
Continued population increases, particularly in very poor countries,  threaten the world economy and environment — not to mention these countries’ own people. But overall the biggest demographic problem stems not from too many people but from too few babies. Read the full article at Forbes
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10/26/2011 - Aging Brain's Decline May Hinge on a Gene

by on October 26, 2011 5:34 pm
But exercise can help counteract this deterioration, study suggests Researchers have identified a gene variation that seems to have a major effect on the rate at which men experience an age-related decline in intellectual function. Read the full article at US News and World Report