Category: Longevity News 2012
5/13/2012 - From Public TV, a New Site for 50-Somethings
by admin on May 14, 2012 2:46 pm
Add public broadcasters to the media outlets aiming for the 50-plus crowd: a Web site called Next Avenue will go live on Tuesday, a year after first planned, with original and aggregated journalism directed at baby boomers. Content will be organized in the categories of health, caregiving, living and learning, money, and work and purpose.… Read more 5/13/2012 - From Public TV, a New Site for 50-Somethings
5/10/2012 - 4 Things That Can Hurt Your Quality of Life
by admin on May 10, 2012 2:57 pm
According to the Stanford Center on Longevity, the number of adults ages 75 and older who are living with a chronic disease that hampers mobility has been steadily declining since 1997. To be a part of this trend, you should be aware of the common health issues that can make elderly life less pleasurable—and know… Read more 5/10/2012 - 4 Things That Can Hurt Your Quality of Life
5/10/2012 - Retiree health care costs rising; many people not preparing
by admin on May 10, 2012 11:37 am
Even though American workers are worried about rising health care costs, that does not mean they are preparing by saving more for retirement. Nearly half of Americans (49%) say they are not contributing to any retirement plan, according to a new survey by LIMRA, an industry-sponsored group. And 56% of Gen Yers, ages 18 to… Read more 5/10/2012 - Retiree health care costs rising; many people not preparing
5/8/2012 - Long-Term-Care Insurance: Who Needs It?
by admin on May 8, 2012 10:32 am
Americans routinely buy all sorts of insurance — for cars, homes, health and even pets and boats. But when it comes to long-term-care insurance, relatively few sign up. Out of more than 313 million Americans, only about 8 million have any such protection, according to the American Association for Long-Term Care Insurance. The low participation… Read more 5/8/2012 - Long-Term-Care Insurance: Who Needs It?
5/7/2012 - Baby Boomers and the Shrinking Work Force
by admin on May 8, 2012 10:30 am
Among the lowlights of the jobs report for April was the news that the share of adults who are either working or looking for work fell. For men, this measure — called the labor force participation rate — was at its lowest level since 1948, when the government first began keeping track. Read the full… Read more 5/7/2012 - Baby Boomers and the Shrinking Work Force
5/7/2012 - Study: Nearly Half of Soon-to-be-Retired, High-Net-Worth Americans "Terrified" of Health Care Costs in Retirement
by admin on May 7, 2012 9:19 am
A new Nationwide Financial survey finds nearly half of soon-to-be-retired, high-net-worth Americans say they are “terrified” of what health care costs may do to their retirement plans, and nearly three in four say health care costs going out of control is among their top retirement fears. Read the full article at The Wall Street Journal’s… Read more 5/7/2012 - Study: Nearly Half of Soon-to-be-Retired, High-Net-Worth Americans "Terrified" of Health Care Costs in Retirement
5/3/2012 - Study shows short, daily jogs boost longevity
by admin on May 7, 2012 9:11 am
“Ever since I heard Stanford researcher BJ Fogg, PhD, speak at last year’s Medicine 2.0 conference about how creating tiny habits can result in lasting lifestyle changes, I’ve been working on incorporating small goals into my daily life. So I was interested to read an Atlantic article about a study showing that jogging at a… Read more 5/3/2012 - Study shows short, daily jogs boost longevity
5/1/2012 - In the Backyard, Grandma’s New Apartment
by admin on May 2, 2012 12:24 pm
When her father became ill just before Christmas last year, Dr. Socorrito Baez-Page faced an increasingly common conundrum. Her aging parents wanted to stay in their town house, but her mother couldn’t handle the caregiving alone. The solution? Though many families are often forced to consider nursing homes under these circumstances, the Page family found… Read more 5/1/2012 - In the Backyard, Grandma’s New Apartment
5/1/2012 - As Portfolios Recover, More Workers Retire At 65
by admin on May 1, 2012 4:42 pm
Many older baby boomers — those already 65 — are choosing to go ahead with retirement rather than wait. That’s according to a study by MetLife, which says 45 percent of 65 year olds described themselves as “fully retired.” Only 5 percent retired later than planned. Hear/read the full story at National Public Radio.
4/30/2012 - Americans expect to work longer, retire later
by admin on April 30, 2012 4:44 pm
If the date you expect to retire seems to be getting further away rather than closer at hand, join the club. The average age at which Americans expect to retire has been steadily creeping up since the mid-1990s, and has now reached 67 years old, according to a new Gallup poll. Read the full article… Read more 4/30/2012 - Americans expect to work longer, retire later