Category: Longevity News 2012

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4/25/2012 - Aging with Pride: The Call for Boomer Consciousness

by on April 25, 2012 1:12 pm
With a recent issue of AARP The Magazine featuring Diane Keaton over the headline “How She Stays Forever Young,” the message surrounding aging is emblazoned on our consciousness: Young is good, old is bad. Read the full article at Huffington Post.
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4/24/2012 - Taking On Dementia With the Experiences of Normal Life

by on April 25, 2012 12:44 pm
In a report released this month, the World Health Organization forecast that the number of people suffering from dementia would double by 2030, to more than 65 million, and triple by 2050, as the world’s population ages. The increase comes as governments everywhere struggle to contain the runaway costs of health care. Read the full… Read more 4/24/2012 - Taking On Dementia With the Experiences of Normal Life
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4/23/2012 - Preparing For A Future That Includes Aging Parents

by on April 23, 2012 1:00 pm
Like millions of other middle-aged Americans, she [Natasha Shamone-Gilmore] had long regarded her parents as robust adults, more than capable of managing their own affairs. “My mom was a very active woman; my dad … was a Safeway employee for 40-something years,” she said. But time does what it does, and today, her father needs… Read more 4/23/2012 - Preparing For A Future That Includes Aging Parents
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4/20/2012 - Prime Targets for Scam Artists

by on April 23, 2012 10:29 am
Here’s a question you’d think would be simple to answer: How many older Americans fall prey to frauds and scams each year? We’re talking about fake lotteries (“You’ve just won $10,000 in the Spanish lottery! To collect your winnings, send $29.95 to….”) and about phony investment schemes (oil drilling, gold mining, gold coins and other… Read more 4/20/2012 - Prime Targets for Scam Artists
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4/19/2012 - ‘Elderly’ No More

by on April 20, 2012 11:23 am
“Have you thought about changing the name of that blog you’re writing for?” Ann Fishman asked. “The boomers aren’t going to like it. They don’t ever want to get old.” I’d called Ms. Fishman, president of Generational Targeted Marketing, a market research firm in New York, with a simple question. What language should we use… Read more 4/19/2012 - ‘Elderly’ No More
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4/18/2012 - Mind the Baby Gap

by on April 19, 2012 9:41 am
Although overpopulation plagues much of the developing world, many developed societies are now suffering from the opposite problem: birthrates so low that each generation is smaller than the previous one. Much of southern and eastern Europe, as well as Austria, Germany, Russia and the developed nations of Southeast Asia, have alarmingly low fertility rates, with… Read more 4/18/2012 - Mind the Baby Gap
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4/18/2012 - Where the Oldest Die Now

by on April 18, 2012 10:49 am
In a recent report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the agency’s statisticians looked at the deaths of people over 85 — 700,000 of them in 2007 — and where they occurred, and pointed out some encouraging trends. The proportion of those very old people who died as hospital patients dropped to 29… Read more 4/18/2012 - Where the Oldest Die Now
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4/17/2012 - One Roof, Three Generations, Many Decisions

by on April 18, 2012 9:21 am
The Great Recession slammed into all age groups, flattening the career dreams of young people and squeezing the retirement accounts of middle-aged savers. It financially crippled many elderly people who had thought they could stand on their own. Read/listen to the full story at National Public Radio.
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4/16/2012 - Too Many Pills for Aging Patients

by on April 16, 2012 10:25 am
Overmedication of the elderly is an all too common problem, a public health crisis that compromises the well-being of growing numbers of older adults. Many take fistfuls of prescription and over-the-counter medications on a regular basis, risking serious and sometimes fatal side effects and drug interactions. Read the full article at The New York Times.
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4/13/2012 - Reconnecting Through Art

by on April 16, 2012 10:18 am
Once a month, in partnership with the New York City chapter of the Alzheimer’s Association, the Rubin Museum of Art in Manhattan hosts “Mindful Connections,” a 90-minute tour tailored to the needs of those with dementia. It is hardly the only museum to do so: The Rubin program, introduced last September, was modeled after those… Read more 4/13/2012 - Reconnecting Through Art