Category: Longevity News 2012

3/26/2012 - Forging Social Connections for Longer Life

by on March 28, 2012 10:55 am
The demonstrated benefits of social involvement raise serious questions about the generational splits in current society. When people become too old or infirm to live on their own, they typically move or are moved to facilities with other old or infirm individuals, often far from family and friends, depriving them of connections to people who can… Read more 3/26/2012 - Forging Social Connections for Longer Life
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3/22/2012 - The Hidden Costs of Elderly Inmates

by on March 22, 2012 9:55 am
America’s prisons aren’t just overcrowded. They are rapidly graying. Why should we care? Because at $68,000 per prisoner, older adults in prison cost three times as much as their younger counterparts and with the older prisoner population now five times as large as it was in 1990, we can no longer afford to ignore this… Read more 3/22/2012 - The Hidden Costs of Elderly Inmates

3/20/2012 - Aging Myths: 5 Big Misconceptions About Growing Older

by on March 20, 2012 8:37 am
The longevity revolution is well underway, and everything we’ve thought about aging is up for grabs as we live and work longer than any other generation in human history. Many great minds are committed to redefining aging and retirement models that embrace this new reality. One of them is Laura Carstensen. Carstensen has been on the… Read more 3/20/2012 - Aging Myths: 5 Big Misconceptions About Growing Older

3/19/2012 - It's Enough To Make A Unicorn Blush: Our Problem With Talking About Sex

by on March 19, 2012 8:45 am
“Not long ago I wrote a blog called “Sex, Love, and Unicorns,” describing the ambivalence I was encountering when I talked about sex among us older folk. Everyone seemed to be embarrassed by the topic. When I called my friend Laura Carstensen, who runs the Stanford Center on Longevity, she was intrigued. The thing is, she mused, sex… Read more 3/19/2012 - It's Enough To Make A Unicorn Blush: Our Problem With Talking About Sex
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3/15/2012 - The Challenge for Our (Ripe Old) Age

by on March 16, 2012 9:56 am
This year, the proportion of the population of Americans older than 65 — 13% — is greater than ever and growing faster than ever. While the group of older Americans swells, the social safety nets that help older people grow weaker. Pensions, Social Security, Medicaid for long-term care, private savings, and home values are all… Read more 3/15/2012 - The Challenge for Our (Ripe Old) Age
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3/11/2012 - Alone in Public Housing, With a Spare Bedroom

by on March 13, 2012 5:42 pm
The New York City Housing Authority, like other public housing authorities across the country, has a problem: By its count, there are 55,000 units in New York City’s public housing stock that are “underoccupied” — about one-third of all its apartments. Making matters worse, there are 15,000 public housing units that are overcrowded, not to… Read more 3/11/2012 - Alone in Public Housing, With a Spare Bedroom
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3/8/2012 - About 800,000 in U.S. have Alzheimer's - live alone

by on March 9, 2012 6:14 pm
Roughly 800,000 people in the United States have Alzheimer’s and live alone, according to an Alzheimer’s Association report released today. That’s about 1 in 7 people who have Alzheimer’s – and the rate is probably higher in big cities, where elderly adults are more likely to live alone. In San Francisco, public health experts estimate… Read more 3/8/2012 - About 800,000 in U.S. have Alzheimer's - live alone

3/8/2012 - Aging And Happiness: Why People May Be Happier As They Age

by on March 8, 2012 10:27 pm
“Every age has its happiness and troubles,” famous French uber-centenarian Jeanne Calment once said. And every age, quite literally, looks at happiness and troubles in different ways. For that nugget of wisdom, we can tip our hats to Derek Isaacowitz. In the early 90s, Isaacowitz worked as a research assistant to Laura Carstensen while pursuing undergraduate studies… Read more 3/8/2012 - Aging And Happiness: Why People May Be Happier As They Age
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3/7/2012 - Prisons Develop Programs For Aging Population

by on March 7, 2012 8:42 pm
Overcrowded prisons already coping with budget pressures face a new challenge: The growing needs of an aging inmate population. With limited state budgets, prison setups, and facilities, prison officials are trying new ways to provide care and, in some cases, opting to release inmates early. Listen to the discussion at NPR
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3/7/2012 - Baby boomers will be selling their homes, but will their children want to buy them?

by on March 7, 2012 8:00 pm
As home-owning baby boomers age, they’ll eventually be leaving their homes. But it’s unclear whether the next generation will be eager or willing to buy them, according to a new paper from the Bipartisan Policy Institute. As John Pitkin and Dowell Myers wrote in 2008,“The sell-off of seniors’ former housing creates a potential supply that will potentially exceed younger… Read more 3/7/2012 - Baby boomers will be selling their homes, but will their children want to buy them?