Category: Longevity News 2012

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1/22/2012 - A Sharper Mind, Middle Age and Beyond

by on January 22, 2012 8:06 pm
IN 1905, at age 55, Sir William Osler, the most influential physician of his era, decided to retire from the medical faculty of Johns Hopkins. In a farewell speech, Osler talked about the link between age and accomplishment: The “effective, moving, vitalizing work of the world is done between the ages of 25 and 40… Read more 1/22/2012 - A Sharper Mind, Middle Age and Beyond
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1/19/2012 - A Sharper Mind, Middle Age and Beyond

by on January 20, 2012 7:56 pm
Some people are much better than their peers at delaying age-related declines in memory and calculating speed. What researchers want to know is why. Why does your 70-year-old neighbor score half her age on a memory test, while you, at 40, have the memory of a senior citizen? If investigators could better detect what protects… Read more 1/19/2012 - A Sharper Mind, Middle Age and Beyond
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1/18/2012 - How Exercise May Keep Alzheimer’s at Bay

by on January 18, 2012 5:35 pm
Alzheimer’s disease, with its inexorable loss of memory and self, understandably alarms most of us. This is especially so since, at the moment, there are no cures for the condition and few promising drug treatments. But a cautiously encouraging new study from The Archives of Neurology suggests that for some people, a daily walk or jog could… Read more 1/18/2012 - How Exercise May Keep Alzheimer’s at Bay

1/17/2012 - US wants effective Alzheimer's treatment by 2025

by on January 17, 2012 9:28 pm
Effective treatments for Alzheimer’s by 2025? That’s the target the government is eyeing as it develops a national strategy to tackle what could become the defining disease of a rapidly aging population. Read the full article at The Boston Globe.
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1/12/2012 - Age Discrimination Takes Its Toll

by on January 13, 2012 6:31 pm
A startling proportion of older people report that they’ve experienced discrimination: 63 percent, in a study recently published in Research on Aging. The most commonly cited cause? “Thirty percent report being mistreated because of their age,” said the lead author Ye Luo, a Clemson University sociologist. Perceived discrimination because of gender, race or ancestry, disabilities or… Read more 1/12/2012 - Age Discrimination Takes Its Toll
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1/11/2012 - How Long Until the End?

by on January 12, 2012 12:24 am
Last spring, I wrote about a group of geriatricians and researchers assembling online a variety of geriatric indexes that do a reasonably good job of predicting mortality for those older than age 60. Since a number of tests and treatments ought to take life expectancy into account, they reasoned, physicians should have these validated tools… Read more 1/11/2012 - How Long Until the End?
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1/10/2012 - Interactive Tools to Assess the Likelihood of Death

by on January 12, 2012 12:19 am
To help prevent overtesting and overtreatment of older patients — or undertreatment for those who remain robust at advanced ages — medical guidelines increasingly call for doctors to consider life expectancy as a factor in their decision-making. But clinicians, research has shown, are notoriously poor at predicting how many years their patients have left. Now,… Read more 1/10/2012 - Interactive Tools to Assess the Likelihood of Death
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1/9/2012 - Advice From Life’s Graying Edge on Finishing With No Regrets

by on January 9, 2012 5:57 pm
At 17, I wrote a speech titled, “When You Come to the End of Your Days, Will You Be Able to Write Your Own Epitaph?” It reflected the approach to life I adopted after my mother’s untimely death from cancer at age 49. I chose to live each day as if it could be my… Read more 1/9/2012 - Advice From Life’s Graying Edge on Finishing With No Regrets
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1/6/2012 - Study shows memory loss can start as early as 45

by on January 6, 2012 5:39 pm
Loss of memory and other brain function can start as early as age 45, posing a big challenge to scientists looking for new ways to stave off dementia, researchers said Thursday. Read the full article at Reuters
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1/5/2012 - A Community Time Bank

by on January 5, 2012 6:02 pm
In Montpelier, Vermont, a city program called the Reach Service Exchange Network began operation in the fall of 2010, powered by a grant of $1 million from the federal Administration on Aging. Read the full article in The New York Times