Category: Longevity News 2012

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11/29/2012 - How We Can Make Older Bodies Young Again

by on November 29, 2012 5:48 pm
Stanford Center on Longevity deputy director Thomas Rando, MD, PHD reports on a new discovery that could help maintain muscle tissue well into old age Read the full article at Next Avenue.
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11/27/2012 - Special Report: Silicon Valley's dirty secret - age bias

by on November 28, 2012 8:06 pm
When Randy Adams, 60, was looking for a chief-executive officer job in Silicon Valley last year, he got turned down from position after position that he thought he was going to nail — only to see much younger, less-experienced men win out. Finally, before heading into his next interview, he shaved off his gray hair… Read more 11/27/2012 - Special Report: Silicon Valley's dirty secret - age bias
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11/26/2012 - Alzheimer's May Progress Differently in Women, Men

by on November 26, 2012 7:50 pm
Alzheimer’s disease may look and act differently in men and women, new research suggests. An emerging field known as gender-specific medicine has shown pronounced differences among the sexes in terms of heart disease and other conditions. These latest findings — if confirmed by further research — may have significant implications for diagnosing and treating Alzheimer’s… Read more 11/26/2012 - Alzheimer's May Progress Differently in Women, Men
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11/21/2012 - Positive Outlook Helps Seniors Heal

by on November 26, 2012 7:46 pm
Older patients with positive attitudes on aging may be more likely to fully recover from severe disability compared with those who can’t see the bright side of life, a new study found. A positive stereotype about aging was associated with a 44 percent greater likelihood of recovery from severe disability versus negative stereotypes, according to… Read more 11/21/2012 - Positive Outlook Helps Seniors Heal
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11/19/2012 - Can You Move It And Work It On A Treadmill Desk?

by on November 19, 2012 5:58 pm
National Public Radio’s Patti Neighmond reports, there’s a backlash brewing to sedentary office life as more people realize how sitting all day can do a body wrong. Read or listen to the full story at National Public Radio.
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11/18/2012 - Forgetting Retirement: Most Americans Say They'll Keep Working

by on November 18, 2012 7:02 pm
More than half of Americans have saved less than $250,000 for retirement, and many are pushing their retirement dates forward. Top concerns include rising health care costs, concern that their retirement assets will not last throughout their lifetime, and that they won’t be able to afford the lifestyle they desire during retirement, according to a… Read more 11/18/2012 - Forgetting Retirement: Most Americans Say They'll Keep Working
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11/14/2012 - Alzheimer’s Tied to Mutation Harming Immune Response

by on November 15, 2012 3:20 pm
Alzheimer’s researchers and drug companies have for years concentrated on one hallmark of Alzheimer’s disease: the production of toxic shards of a protein that accumulate in plaques on the brain. But now, in a surprising coincidence, two groups of researchers working from entirely different starting points have converged on a mutated gene involved in another aspect… Read more 11/14/2012 - Alzheimer’s Tied to Mutation Harming Immune Response
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11/14/2012 - A 401(k) That Promises Never to Run Dry

by on November 14, 2012 11:46 pm
WHILE anything resembling your father’s pension is unlikely to return, one large company has overhauled its 401(k) plan so workers can receive a paycheck for life. Like many large employers, United Technologies, based in Hartford, closed its traditional pension plan to new workers a couple of years ago. The retirement plan that replaced it tries… Read more 11/14/2012 - A 401(k) That Promises Never to Run Dry
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11/13/2012 - Visible signs of aging signaled increased risk of heart disease, study finds

by on November 14, 2012 7:24 pm
Certain types of baldness, earlobe creases, fatty deposits around eyes among potential factors, according to researchers Visibly aging but young at heart? Don’t count on it, researchers suggested. In a study following more than 10,000 people over 35 years, the presence of visible signs of aging signaled an increased risk of heart attack and heart… Read more 11/13/2012 - Visible signs of aging signaled increased risk of heart disease, study finds
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11/13/2012 - The Big Downside of Raising the Retirement Age

by on November 13, 2012 11:41 pm
Now that the post-election entitlements fights are back in the spotlight, raising the Social Security retirement age will return to center stage as one of the common prescriptions for closing the program’s long-term funding gap. Increasing or entirely lifting the ceiling on taxable wages—set at $113,700 in 2013—is another frequently mentioned proposal. Further down on… Read more 11/13/2012 - The Big Downside of Raising the Retirement Age