Category: mind
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9/15/2014 - Teen Invents Sensor to Help Alzheimer's Patients
by admin on September 15, 2014 8:31 pm
According to the Alzheimer’s Association, of the estimated five million Americans with the disease, about 60 percent of them wander — and often become dangerously lost — as a result. A fifteen-year-old has invented a pressure sensor that when worn on the bottom of the foot or with a sock detects an increase in pressure and… Read more 9/15/2014 - Teen Invents Sensor to Help Alzheimer's Patients
9/12/2014 - Tougher Than They Look
by admin on September 12, 2014 11:49 pm
Scientists have been writing and thinking about resilience for several decades. Now, in Dr. Manning’s study of 10,753 people (average age: almost 69) drawn from three waves of the national Health and Retirement Study, “we’re starting to measure it,” Dr. Manning said — “as squishy and fuzzy a concept as it is.” Read the full… Read more 9/12/2014 - Tougher Than They Look
9/9/2014 - Dementia patients continue to get medications with little, no benefit
by admin on September 9, 2014 8:55 pm
More than half of nursing home patients who suffer severe dementia and are likely to die within a year or two are administered medications that offer little to no benefit and may cause pointless discomfort, a new study finds. Read the full article at Los Angeles Times.
8/27/2014 - Mindfulness training helps Alzheimer's patients and caregivers
by admin on August 27, 2014 4:48 pm
Alzheimer’s disease takes a psychological and physical toll not only on the affected patients, but also on their caregivers. Now, a new study has shown that training in mindfulness — learning how to focus on the present moment — may help improve the emotional well-being of people with early-stage dementia due to Alzheimer’s and their… Read more 8/27/2014 - Mindfulness training helps Alzheimer's patients and caregivers
8/25/2014 - People With Down Syndrome Are Pioneers In Alzheimer's Research
by admin on August 25, 2014 5:53 pm
When researchers at the University of California, San Diego wanted to study an experimental Alzheimer’s drug last year, they sought help from an unlikely group: people with Down syndrome. Read the full article at National Public Radio (NPR).
8/25/2014 - What’s the difference between vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s?
by admin on August 25, 2014 5:50 pm
Alzheimer’s disease is by far the most common cause of dementia (a significant loss of memory and cognitive functions), but vascular dementia is one of several other forms of dementia. In Alzheimer’s disease, nerve cells throughout the brain die off, and abnormal proteins accumulate in the brain for reasons not entirely known. Vascular dementia, in… Read more 8/25/2014 - What’s the difference between vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s?
8/25/2014 - Sensors let Alzheimer's patients stay at home, safely
by admin on August 25, 2014 4:44 pm
“Often, decisions about care are made when safety becomes an issue” said said Beth Kallmyer, vice president of constituent services for the Alzheimer’s Association. Tools like sensors “can allow people to feel more comfortable” and ease the transition.” Read the full article at CNN.
8/19/2014 - More evidence adult daycare eases stress on dementia caregivers
by admin on August 19, 2014 8:18 pm
The stress of caring for a family member with dementia may take a toll on health over time, but a new study suggests that even one day off can shift caregivers’ stress levels back toward normal. Read the full article at Reuters.
8/11/2014 - Tactic in Alzheimer’s Fight May Be Safe, Study Finds
by admin on August 11, 2014 9:12 pm
The 40-year-old man showed up in Dr. Mary Malloy’s clinic with sadly disfiguring symptoms. His hands, elbows, ears and feet were blemished with protruding pustules and tuber-like welts, some so painful it was hard for him to walk. He suffered from a rare genetic condition called dysbetalipoproteinemia, which caused his cholesterol levels to soar so… Read more 8/11/2014 - Tactic in Alzheimer’s Fight May Be Safe, Study Finds
8/11/2014 - A Coping Plan Can Help Fend Off Depression From Vision Loss
by admin on August 11, 2014 5:50 pm
When people lose their vision as they get older, they lose a lot of other things, too. They lose their ability to do the things they love. Read the full article at National Public Radio (NPR).