Category: mind

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3/14/2016 - Interaction benefits toddlers and elderly alike

by on March 14, 2016 6:46 pm
Bridging the generation gap is nowhere more evident than in the successful merging of two institutions in Japan and in the United States that are thought to be tasked with diametric missions. The partnership between preschools and nursing homes, which is being closely watched by specialists in both fields, has positive implications for both rapidly… Read more 3/14/2016 - Interaction benefits toddlers and elderly alike
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3/14/2016 - The most important letter you may ever write

by on March 14, 2016 7:00 am
Decisions about end-of-life care are often left to others who, while well-intentioned, may opt for treatments that can cause suffering and pain and lead to an undignified end, says Stanford palliative care expert and Center on Longevity affiliate V.J. Periyakoil, MD. “I tell people that proxy decision-making is one situation where those who love you… Read more 3/14/2016 - The most important letter you may ever write

3/9/2016 - Are some of us protected from Alzheimer's?

by on March 9, 2016 5:41 pm
In the battle to cure Alzheimer’s disease, the two hallmark proteins that clog the brains of people with the deadly dementia – amyloid and tau – have received most of the attention. But dementia experts have long known that some people whose brains were riddled with these misfolded proteins still had good cognitive function throughout… Read more 3/9/2016 - Are some of us protected from Alzheimer's?

3/7/2016 - Using the Arts to Promote Healthy Aging

by on March 7, 2016 5:38 pm
The arts in their myriad forms are enhancing the lives and health of older people — and not just those with dementia — helping to keep many men and women out of nursing homes and living independently. With grants from organizations like the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Institute on Aging, incredibly… Read more 3/7/2016 - Using the Arts to Promote Healthy Aging

3/2/2016 - Why We Must Reframe How We See Alzheimer’s

by on March 2, 2016 5:17 pm
The complexity of Alzheimer’s and the non-uniformity of the disease from person to person have resulted in a gross misrepresentation of it. Society as a whole has significant misconceptions and expectations about what Alzheimer’s is and how it affects the individual and his or her family. Read the full article at Next Avenue.

2/26/2016 - Keeping mentally active doesn’t stave off Alzheimer’s disease — only its symptoms

by on February 26, 2016 7:02 pm
The prevailing wisdom about dementia is simple: Keep your mind active as you age to lower the risk of cognitive decline. But is the same true for Alzheimer’s disease, which is the most common form of dementia? New research suggests that the answer is no. Read the full article at The Washington Post.
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2/2/2016 - A New Vision for Dreams of the Dying

by on February 2, 2016 10:10 pm
For thousands of years, the dreams and visions of the dying have captivated cultures, which imbued them with sacred import. Even the law reveres a dying person’s final words, allowing them to be admitted as evidence in an unusual exception to hearsay rules. Now a team of clinicians and researchers led by Dr. Kerr at… Read more 2/2/2016 - A New Vision for Dreams of the Dying
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1/19/2016 - Connected Horse Project pairs dementia patients with horses in new therapy program

by on January 19, 2016 11:15 pm
A new program conducted at Stanford Red Barn, home to the Stanford equestrian team, offers guided workshops with horses to teach young people with early onset dementia to build confidence, trust and a sense of community. Read the full article at The Stanford Daily.
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11/23/2015 - Why We Need to Talk About Alzheimer’s

by on November 23, 2015 9:33 pm
Of the family members caring for the more than 5 million Americans with Alzheimer’s, many never have conversations with their loved ones regarding what they want other people to do for them when they get sick or disabled. Read the full article at The New York Times.

11/18/2015 - Changes in Sense of Humor May Presage Dementia

by on November 18, 2015 9:06 pm
New research suggests that shifts in what a person finds funny can herald imminent changes in the brain—possibly presaging certain types of dementia. Read the full article at The Wall Street Journal.