Category: mind

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5/8/2014 - The Silence of Doctors Around Alzheimer’s

by on May 8, 2014 4:02 pm
“Dementia is not something we doctors talk much about. We all have many patients with dementia — and more every year — but we never seem to chat about it the way we discuss kidney disease or cancer treatment. We may talk about the difficulties of obesity or emphysema, but never about dementia.” Read the… Read more 5/8/2014 - The Silence of Doctors Around Alzheimer’s
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5/7/2014 - Early Fitness Can Improve the Middle-Age Brain

by on May 7, 2014 7:34 pm
The more physically active you are at age 25, the better your thinking tends to be when you reach middle age, according to a large-scale new study. Encouragingly, the findings also suggest that if you negligently neglected to exercise when young, you can start now and still improve the health of your brain. Read the… Read more 5/7/2014 - Early Fitness Can Improve the Middle-Age Brain
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5/2/2014 - Signs of Brain Aging Are Reversed in Mice

by on May 2, 2014 4:32 pm
Young blood really does rejuvenate the brain, at least in mice, raising hopes that molecules in the blood may be identified to do the same for humans, according to a study stemming from the ongoing research of a young UC San Francisco scientist, Saul Villeda, PhD. Read the full article at UCSF News Services.
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4/30/2014 - A Stunning Study On Dementia, Couples And Money

by on April 30, 2014 4:39 pm
I’m a big believer that both spouses, or partners, of a couple be intimately familiar with their household’s finances and investments. But an eye-opening study about how older couples make money decisions when one has dementia offers powerful evidence for this view. Read the full article at Forbes.
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4/29/2014 - Facebook App Simulates Dementia

by on April 29, 2014 5:39 pm
A new Facebook app launched today designed to personalize and simulate the experience of having dementia. Read the full article at ABC News.  
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4/25/2014 - Young Prizewinners Help People With Dementia

by on April 25, 2014 6:09 pm
If you needed any proof that George Bernard Shaw was wrong when he said “youth is wasted on the young,” meet the student winners of the Stanford Center on Longevity’s Design Challenge. Read the full article at Forbes.
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4/22/2014 - Teaching seniors to use Internet cuts depression risk

by on April 23, 2014 6:57 pm
Depression, a common problem for older adults, might have an easy antidote: The Internet. According to new research by a Michigan State University professor, computer use among retirees reduces the risk of depression by more than 30%. Read the full article at USA Today.
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4/15/2014 - Our Brains Begin to Slow Down at Age 24

by on April 15, 2014 4:19 pm
Is 24 the new 50? A new study suggests that cognitive decline begins earlier than we think. The study of more than 3,300 volunteers tracked the relationship between age and the speed at which people make decisions and shift between tasks. Read the full article at Time.
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4/14/2014 - Finding May Explain Why Women More Likely Develop Alzheimer's

by on April 14, 2014 9:21 pm
Scientists haven’t pinpointed a definitive cause for Alzheimer’s disease—a fatal brain disorder that robs people of their memory and cognitive abilities. But now Stanford researcher and Center on Longevity faculty affiliate Michael Greicius has uncovered an intriguing clue about why more women than men develop the condition. Read the full article at Science.
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4/14/2014 - Center on Longevity competition challenges students to design products for seniors

by on April 14, 2014 3:28 pm
The winning entry of the Stanford Center on Longevity’s design contest featured tableware for people with Alzheimer’s. The idea is to introduce young designers to how the population is aging while tapping their creativity and enterprising ideas. Read the full article at Stanford Report.