Category: mind
12/27/2013 - Medicare to Cover More Mental Health Costs
by admin on December 27, 2013 7:36 am
12/20/2013 - Can memory video games deliver on brain-boosting claims?
by admin on December 20, 2013 10:57 pm
A new breed of video games are designed to exercise aging brains and improve players’ attention, speed and memory. But critics say the claims made by developers are not supported with evidence. Could these mental workouts make a difference? Special correspondent Jake Schoneker speaks with experts — including Center on Longevity founding director Laura Carstensen… Read more 12/20/2013 - Can memory video games deliver on brain-boosting claims?
12/20/2013 - Do Crossword Puzzles Really Stave Off Dementia?
by admin on December 20, 2013 5:21 pm
On Dec. 21, 100 years ago, a paper in New York published the first crossword. It quickly became known as a game for the intelligent — even helping Britain recruit code-breakers during WWII. But there isn’t much evidence that this brainy game can help stave off dementia. Read/Listen to the full story at National Public… Read more 12/20/2013 - Do Crossword Puzzles Really Stave Off Dementia?
12/19/2013 - Early Detection Key In The Search For Alzheimer's Cure
by admin on December 19, 2013 4:59 pm
“I believe that we have about 20 years before the medical and economic costs of this disease, let alone the social costs, just cripple our entire medical system,” says Peter Snyder, Ph.D., a Professor of Neurology at Brown University and Senior VP and Chief Research Officer of the Lifespan Hospital System. “We have to identify… Read more 12/19/2013 - Early Detection Key In The Search For Alzheimer's Cure
12/18/2013 - To Address The Dementia Epidemic, We Need Smarter Research Funding
by admin on December 18, 2013 4:58 pm
Government ministers, public health advocates, scientists and drug industry executives from the Group of Eight leading economies held a special summit meeting in London last week to devise a strategy to address what amounts to a global epidemic of dementia. Read the full article at Forbes.
12/16/2013 - Why you may want to avoid a dementia test
by admin on December 16, 2013 6:56 pm
As you get older, every time you misplace your wallet or can’t remember why you walked into the kitchen, you may wonder: Is this a sign of dementia? Even if such bouts of forgetfulness aren’t serious, a screening test for dementia or its most common cause — Alzheimer’s disease — might seem appealing, if only… Read more 12/16/2013 - Why you may want to avoid a dementia test
12/16/2013 - Damaged blood vessels may contribute to Alzheimer's
by admin on December 16, 2013 5:26 pm
Cells in the blood-brain barrier may control multiple steps in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease—and could serve as potential targets for new treatments, researchers say. Read the full article at Futurity.
12/12/2013 - 4 Retirement Mistakes 30-Somethings Make--And How They Can Avoid Them
by admin on December 12, 2013 4:52 pm
Here are four false assumptions that a lot of people in their 30s make—and ways to help them to stay on the right track for retirement. Read the full article at Forbes.
12/11/2013 - G8 aims to beat dementia by 2025 with AIDS-style fight
by admin on December 11, 2013 4:46 pm
Leading countries set a goal of finding a cure or effective treatment for dementia by 2025 on Wednesday and ministers said the world needed to fight the spread of the memory-robbing condition just as it fought AIDS. Read the full article at Reuters.
12/10/2013 - U.K. Aims to Double Dementia Research Funds, Cameron Says
by admin on December 10, 2013 7:03 pm
U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron said the government’s ambition is to double public, commercial and charitable spending on research and development into dementia by 2025. Read the full article at Bloomberg.