Category: mind

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7/21/2013 - Studies Show Evidence Of Falling Dementia Rates Abroad

by on July 21, 2013 4:53 pm
As NPR reported in May, the number of Americans with Alzheimer’s disease is expected to triple by 2050. But studies published in the last two weeks based in European countries show signs of declining dementia. Read/listen to the full story at National Public Radio (NPR).
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7/18/2013 - The 10 warning signs of Alzheimer's

by on July 18, 2013 3:26 pm
If you suspect a family member or friend is developing Alzheimer’s, take a look at these 10 warning signs of Alzheimer’s Disease, put together by the Alzheimer’s Association. Read the full article at CNN.

7/16/2013 - Dementia Rate Is Found to Drop Sharply, as Forecast

by on July 16, 2013 11:28 am
A new study has found that dementia rates among people 65 and older in England and Wales have plummeted by 25 percent over the past two decades, to 6.2 percent from 8.3 percent, a trend that researchers say is probably occurring across developed countries and that could have major social and economic implications for families… Read more 7/16/2013 - Dementia Rate Is Found to Drop Sharply, as Forecast

7/16/2013 - Study: Later retirement may help prevent dementia

by on July 15, 2013 12:56 pm
New research boosts the “use it or lose it” theory about brainpower and staying mentally sharp. People who delay retirement have less risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease or other types of dementia, a study of nearly half a million people in France found. Read the full article at USA Today.

7/16/2013 - Cancer, chemo linked to vets' lower risk of Alzheimer's

by on July 15, 2013 12:54 pm
Military veterans diagnosed with most forms of cancer were less likely to develop Alzheimer’s disease, and those who were treated with chemotherapy received even more protection. Read the full article at USA Today.

7/14/2013 - 2 New Alzheimer's Drugs Show Promise in Early Studies

by on July 14, 2013 12:17 pm
Experts caution that expectations are low in field littered with drug failures. Read the full article at U.S. News & World Report.

7/12/2013 - 'Dementia village' inspires new care

by on July 11, 2013 12:47 pm
‘Dementia Village’ – as it has become known — is a place where residents can live a seemingly normal life, but in reality are being watched all the time. Caretakers staff the restaurant, grocery store, hair salon and theater — although the residents don’t always realize they are carers — and are also watching in… Read more 7/12/2013 - 'Dementia village' inspires new care

7/11/2013 - In Grandmother’s Alzheimer’s, Another Lesson in Family

by on July 11, 2013 12:45 pm
“I don’t live here. This is not my house!” My grandmother is one of more than five million Americans who have Alzheimer’s disease. Sometimes these patients experience sun-downing, a period of increased confusion and restlessness toward the end of the day, and my grandmother was having one of these episodes. It is hard to know… Read more 7/11/2013 - In Grandmother’s Alzheimer’s, Another Lesson in Family

7/9/2013 - More Proof That an Active Brain Slows Dementia

by on July 9, 2013 3:56 pm
A  new study adds to the growing evidence that the best way to stay mentally sharp into your 80s and beyond is to keep yourbrain busy with reading, writing and learning new things. Read the full article at AARP.

7/9/2013 - Budgeting for the Alzheimer’s fight

by on July 9, 2013 3:53 pm
An estimated 5.2 million Americans of all ages have Alzheimer’s disease today, and an estimated 7.1 million Americans age 65 and older will have the disease by 2025. In 2013, Alzheimer’s will cost the country $203 billion in treatment costs alone, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. The federal government has made treating and preventing the… Read more 7/9/2013 - Budgeting for the Alzheimer’s fight