Category: mind
7/8/2013 - Champagne Anti-Aging Regimen Could Improve Memory, Research Suggests
by admin on July 8, 2013 3:48 pm
New research indicates that moderate Champagne (or any sparkling wine) consumption has a positive effect on memory as we age; now isn’t that the good news you’ve been waiting for? According to researchers at the UK’s Reading University, specific polyphenol compounds in red grapes are believed to improve spatial memory and assist in memory storage.… Read more 7/8/2013 - Champagne Anti-Aging Regimen Could Improve Memory, Research Suggests
7/5/2013 - Seniors Flex Creative Muscles In Retirement Arts Colonies
by mbeals on July 5, 2013 7:15 pm
Some famous writers, painters and musicians have done some of their best work in their later years — impressionist Claude Monet, for one. But at the North Hollywood Senior Arts Colony, older people are proving that you don’t have to be famous — or even a professional artist — to live a creatively fulfilling life in… Read more 7/5/2013 - Seniors Flex Creative Muscles In Retirement Arts Colonies
6/30/2013 - Scientists Back Alzheimer’s Test Amid Doubts Over Value
by mbeals on July 1, 2013 5:06 pm
The U.S. government is set to decide this month whether federal health insurance should cover the cost of a $3,000 test that for the first time accurately identifies the signature brain plaques of Alzheimer’s disease. A lot is riding on the decision. Those in favor of coverage say the brain scan will reduce anguish and… Read more 6/30/2013 - Scientists Back Alzheimer’s Test Amid Doubts Over Value
6/29/2013 - Despite Alzheimer's, Couple Holds Tight To Old Memories
by mbeals on July 1, 2013 5:02 pm
Right now, 5 million Americans have Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. One of them is 73-year-old Pansy Greene. She’s in the early stages of Alzheimer’s, and she and her husband, Winston, want people to know that so far, their daily lives have changed little despite the diagnosis. Read the full article at National Public Radio… Read more 6/29/2013 - Despite Alzheimer's, Couple Holds Tight To Old Memories
6/27/2013 - Snuggly Little Robots Provide Company for Elderly With Dementia
by admin on June 27, 2013 2:08 pm
First things first: No one is suggesting we lock all the old people in a room full of robots and throw away the key—though when Grandpa gets on one of his racist rants, that might sound tempting. But thanks to some new research, it does seem as though robots have something to offer the elderly,… Read more 6/27/2013 - Snuggly Little Robots Provide Company for Elderly With Dementia
6/26/2013 - Aging Parents, Dementia And Financial Decisions: What Is Safe?
by admin on June 26, 2013 1:56 pm
There is a lot of research to inform us that as an aging parent develops dementia, their financial decision-making capacity erodes early on. At the same time, a parent can be quite appropriate socially and appear “fine”. A case at involved a frustrated daughter with a mother like that. Read the full article at Forbes. … Read more 6/26/2013 - Aging Parents, Dementia And Financial Decisions: What Is Safe?
6/25/2013 - New ways to help seniors deal with pain and depression
by admin on June 25, 2013 7:10 pm
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that up to 5 percent of Americans age 65 and older living in community settings have major depression, which can result in acute psychological anguish, disability, suicide and early death. Rates for seniors who are hospitalized or living in nursing homes are much higher, 25 to 40… Read more 6/25/2013 - New ways to help seniors deal with pain and depression
6/24/2013 - Depression May Increase The Risk Of Dementia Later On
by admin on June 24, 2013 10:03 pm
Depression can have physical consequences. Research now suggests that when people get depressed in middle age and beyond, they’re more likely to develop dementia in old age. Read/Listen to the full story at National Public Radio (NPR).
6/22/2013 - Beta testing: The search for a treatment for dementia continues
by admin on June 22, 2013 3:41 pm
Alzheimer’s disease wrecks lives. And as people live longer, it will wreck more with every passing year. It also wrecks budgets. In America in 2010, the cost of treating those with dementia was $109 billion. That exceeds the cost of treating those with heart disease or with cancer. The RAND Corporation, a Californian think-tank, reckons… Read more 6/22/2013 - Beta testing: The search for a treatment for dementia continues
6/21/2013 - Can People With Alzheimer's Still Enjoy Life?
by admin on June 21, 2013 11:08 pm
Among the general public, Alzheimer’s is typically considered a horrible, cruel and devastating disease that destroys its “victims,” one that robs them of their very humanity. When I interviewed several experts on the disease, however, a somewhat different picture emerged. They unanimously agreed that although Alzheimer’s is a terrible disorder, people who have it can… Read more 6/21/2013 - Can People With Alzheimer's Still Enjoy Life?