Category: mind

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8/5/2015 - Sharing Art Helps Medical Students Connect With Dementia Patients

by on August 5, 2015 5:34 pm
Hannah Roberts was a first-year-medical student at Columbia University College of Physicians in 2013 when she noticed her classmates were having an especially tough time relating to dementia patients. Could a field trip together to the local art museum help? Read the full article at National Public Radio (NPR).
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8/5/2015 - Where the Elderly Can Age in Place

by on August 5, 2015 4:56 pm
A NORC (naturally occurring retirement community) is a building, development or neighborhood that wasn’t designed for a senior community but ends up serving one. Once 45% of units are populated by people who are over 60, the community can apply to the city or state for NORC status, which qualifies the community for government support.… Read more 8/5/2015 - Where the Elderly Can Age in Place

8/4/2015 - When seniors volunteer with kids, everybody wins

by on August 4, 2015 5:04 pm
A program that brings together older adults and elementary school students gives children academic and social support and lets the volunteers see how they can help the next generation. Read the full article at Futurity.
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8/3/2015 - Aging brains can't clear out Alzheimer's 'trash'

by on August 3, 2015 7:50 pm
The greatest risk factor for Alzheimer’s disease is advancing age. After 65, the risk doubles every five years, and 40 percent or more of people 85 and older are estimated to be living with the devastating condition. Researchers have identified some of the key changes in the aging brain that lead to the increased risk.… Read more 8/3/2015 - Aging brains can't clear out Alzheimer's 'trash'

7/29/2015 - Who Will Care for Us - The Aging, Childless and Single Population?

by on July 29, 2015 6:27 pm
Studies indicate that people over the age of 65 years will need some form of long-term care help. Genworth said sixty-six percent would need extra care while The Inquiry said seven out of ten would need it for at least three years. Most people rely on a family member, a spouse or a partner for… Read more 7/29/2015 - Who Will Care for Us - The Aging, Childless and Single Population?
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7/27/2015 - A new drug being tested raises hopes for people with Alzheimer's

by on July 27, 2015 2:59 pm
More than five million Americans suffer from Alzheimer’s disease, and according to the Alzheimer’s Association, 15.5 million Americans are currently caring for them. A new drug might provide some hope for those showing very early symptoms of the disease. This monthy, at the annual Alzheimer’s Association International Conference in Washington, the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly… Read more 7/27/2015 - A new drug being tested raises hopes for people with Alzheimer's
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7/25/2015 - Helping Patients and Doctors Talk About Death

by on July 25, 2015 3:57 am
Medicare announced plans this month to reimburse doctors for talking with patients about what treatments they want — and don’t want — toward the end of life. This sensible, long-overdue proposal is likely to have a very wide impact. About 80 percent of people who die in the United States each year are covered by… Read more 7/25/2015 - Helping Patients and Doctors Talk About Death
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7/23/2015 - Younger Adults With Alzheimer's Are Key To Drug Search

by on July 23, 2015 1:45 pm
The face of Alzheimer’s isn’t always old. Sometimes it belongs to someone like Giedre Cohen, who is 37, yet struggles to remember her own name. People like Giedre have a rare gene mutation that causes symptoms of Alzheimer’s to appear before they turn 60. Until recently, people who inherited this gene had no hope of… Read more 7/23/2015 - Younger Adults With Alzheimer's Are Key To Drug Search
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7/21/2015 - Dementia Develops Faster in Women Than in Men, Study Suggests

by on July 21, 2015 1:42 pm
Women who develop slight but detectable deficits in memory and mental acuity late in life tend to decline faster than men with mild impairment, researchers reported on Tuesday. Some two-thirds of the five million Americans with Alzheimer’s disease are women, in part because women live longer. Researchers have searched in vain for decades to determine… Read more 7/21/2015 - Dementia Develops Faster in Women Than in Men, Study Suggests
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7/19/2015 - Saliva seen as possible diagnostic tool for Alzheimer’s disease

by on July 19, 2015 1:44 pm
Your spit might just reveal whether you’re a likely candidate for developing Alzheimer’s disease. That at least is the hope of Canadian researchers whose study suggests that analyzing certain chemical compounds in saliva could provide a cheap, noninvasive way to learn whether the brain has begun to undergo the changes that culminate in loss of… Read more 7/19/2015 - Saliva seen as possible diagnostic tool for Alzheimer’s disease