Category: mobility

9/12/2014 - Tougher Than They Look

by on September 12, 2014 11:49 pm
Scientists have been writing and thinking about resilience for several decades. Now, in Dr. Manning’s study of 10,753 people (average age: almost 69) drawn from three waves of the national Health and Retirement Study, “we’re starting to measure it,” Dr. Manning said — “as squishy and fuzzy a concept as it is.” Read the full… Read more 9/12/2014 - Tougher Than They Look

9/12/2104 - Elderly New Yorkers, Here for the Duration

by on September 12, 2014 11:02 pm
It used to be that New Yorkers of a certain age reflexively said goodbye to all this — the traffic, the tumult, the long lines and the incomparable bagels — and headed south or west for their sunset years. No longer. Around town these days there are many more than 50 shades of gray. According… Read more 9/12/2104 - Elderly New Yorkers, Here for the Duration

9/11/2014 - Scientists Find Fruit Fly Gene That May Delay Aging

by on September 11, 2014 8:29 pm
A team of biologists from UCLA announced they’ve discovered a gene that could be used to slow aging and lead to longer life. In lab studies conducted in fruit flies, the scientists identified a cellular mechanism for boosting the body’s ability to flush out the cellular debris linked to many age-related diseases. Read the full… Read more 9/11/2014 - Scientists Find Fruit Fly Gene That May Delay Aging

9/3/2014 - Is Aging In Place A Pipe Dream?

by on September 3, 2014 5:08 pm
Housing is the linchpin of our well-being, according to the AARP Foundation and the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies which held the conference in conjunction with the release of a new report, Housing America’s Older Adults—Meeting the Needs of An Aging Population. The experts explored the mismatch between the nation’s housing stock and Americans’… Read more 9/3/2014 - Is Aging In Place A Pipe Dream?

9/2/2014 - Childhood Diet Habits Set in Infancy, Studies Suggest

by on September 2, 2014 6:06 pm
Efforts to improve what children eat should begin before they even learn to walk, a series of nutritional studies published on Tuesday has found. Taken together, the data indicate that infant feeding patterns persist far longer than has been appreciated. Read the full article at The New York Times.

9/2/2014 - The Next Housing Crisis: Aging Americans' Homes

by on September 2, 2014 5:04 pm
There’s another potential housing crisis coming and this one won’t be a collapse in home values. The nation is facing a lack of affordable, physically-accessible and well-located homes for America’s aging population — especially those with low incomes, according to a new, gloomy study released today by the Harvard Joint Center for Housing Studies &… Read more 9/2/2014 - The Next Housing Crisis: Aging Americans' Homes

9/2/2014 - U.S. unprepared for housing needs of aging population

by on September 2, 2014 4:17 pm
America’s older population is experiencing unprecedented growth, but the country is not prepared to meet the housing needs of this aging group, concludes a new report by Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies and the AARP Foundation. Read the full article at Harvard Gazette.

9/1/2014 - Of Little Help to Older Knees

by on September 1, 2014 5:44 pm
Middle-aged and older patients are unlikely to benefit in the long term from surgery to repair tears in the meniscus, pads of cartilage in the knee, a new review of studies has found. Read the full article at The New York Times.

8/31/2014 - How Will Millennials Face Parents' Aging? With Wearable Tech And Human Touch

by on August 31, 2014 4:28 pm
I have noticed from talking to friends and seeing their posts on Facebook — Generation X is entering that phase when the parents who cared for us need the favor partially returned. The process likely looks similar to what Baby Boomers have experienced, but how will it be for millennials? By the time their parents… Read more 8/31/2014 - How Will Millennials Face Parents' Aging? With Wearable Tech And Human Touch

8/26/2014 - Battle of the Sexes: Caring for an Aging Parent

by on August 26, 2014 4:37 pm
If you want to be taken care of as you get older, your best bet is to have a daughter, not a son, according to research presented last week at the American Sociological Association’s annual meeting. Researchers from Princeton University found that daughters spend more than twice the amount of time as sons taking care… Read more 8/26/2014 - Battle of the Sexes: Caring for an Aging Parent