Category: mobility
7/8/2014 - Using M.C.s and M.D.s to Promote Healthy Eating for Youths
by admin on July 8, 2014 9:57 pm
A new campaign, which draws upon anti-obesity research conducted at Columbia University Medical Center, seeks to make healthy eating seem cool through original hip-hop songs, comic books and cartoon-style videos. Read the full article at The New York Times.
7/8/2014 - Will This Tech Tool Help Manage Older People's Health? Ask Dad
by admin on July 8, 2014 6:37 pm
Aging 2.0 may not sound like the hippest start-up in San Francisco, but it’s part of an industry worth $2 billion and growing fast — technology to help older adults. Read the full article at National Public Radio (NPR).
7/7/2014 - Time to downsize? Not for baby boomers
by mbeals on July 7, 2014 9:05 pm
In an edited interview, the director of strategic planning for Fannie Mae’s economics group said that though such a wholesale change probably is inevitable, boomers these days show little inclination to leave the single-family home lifestyle that, to an extent, has defined their generation. Read the full article at the Chicago Tribune.
7/2/2014 - Can Exercise Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk?
by mbeals on July 3, 2014 3:55 pm
Exercise may help to keep the brain robust in people who have an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease, according to an inspiring new study. The findings suggests that even moderate amounts of physical activity may help to slow the progression of one of the most dreaded diseases of aging. Read the full article at… Read more 7/2/2014 - Can Exercise Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk?
6/26/2014 - Aging boomers push up household age
by mbeals on June 27, 2014 10:25 pm
The number of households with someone 65 or older will rise by 10.7 million in the next decade thanks to aging baby boomers. The latest State of the Nation’s Housing report from Harvard’s Joint Center for Housing Studies says 78% of older homeowners intend to stay in their homes, indicating a growing need for home-based… Read more 6/26/2014 - Aging boomers push up household age
6/24/2014 - The state of senior health: It depends on your state
by admin on June 24, 2014 6:42 pm
In May 2014, United Health Foundation released America’s Health Rankings Senior Report . The report ranks the 50 states by assessing data covering individual behavior, the environment and communities where seniors live, local health policy and clinical care. Read the full article at Reuters.
6/23/2014 - Keeping the aging brain active may also keep it sharp
by admin on June 23, 2014 7:52 pm
Challenging the mind early with education and stimulating work, and later in life with reading, socializing and computer use, may help keep it thinking clearly into old age, according to new research. Read the full article at Reuters.
6/23/2014 - Creating safer neighborhoods for healthier lifestyles
by admin on June 23, 2014 6:41 pm
Walking sounds like a simple path to maintaining a healthy weight if you can’t afford a gym membership. But what if your neighborhood isn’t a safe space to walk or jog, or for your kids to play? Abby King, PhD, and scientists from Stanford Prevention Research Center‘s Healthy Aging Research and Technology Solutions lab have… Read more 6/23/2014 - Creating safer neighborhoods for healthier lifestyles
6/22/2014 - How to Keep Your Muscles Strong as You Age
by admin on June 22, 2014 6:32 pm
Experts Are Looking Into Promising Treatments for Muscle Decline. But There Are Things You Can Do About It Now. With a growing population of aging baby boomers, experts are turning their attention to interventions to help stem the loss of muscle mass, quality and strength, known as sarcopenia. It is caused by a number of… Read more 6/22/2014 - How to Keep Your Muscles Strong as You Age
6/20/2014 - Don’t give up trying to persuade an aging parent to move to better care
by admin on June 20, 2014 7:09 pm
Like many seniors, my mother stubbornly clung to her independence even though it put her in harm’s way. Nearly 90 percent of people over 65 want to stay in their home as long as possible, according to AARP. Ideally, it is better and can be more cost-effective for people to age in place as long… Read more 6/20/2014 - Don’t give up trying to persuade an aging parent to move to better care