Category: mobility
5/22/2014 - Light exercise linked to less disability
by admin on May 22, 2014 5:56 pm
People who engage in plenty of light movement have a lower risk of developing a disability and losing their capacity to care for themselves, a new study suggests. The study included middle-aged and older adults who had knee osteoarthritis or were at high risk of developing the condition. It focused specifically on low-intensity exercise, like… Read more 5/22/2014 - Light exercise linked to less disability
5/22/2014 - Cities need to adapt as senior citizens’ housing needs change
by admin on May 22, 2014 5:53 pm
You’re a retired senior. Your kids are grown and on their own. You are ready to give up climbing stairs, mowing lawns, fixing roofs and gutters, and worrying about the never-completed list of home maintenance items. It’s time to sell your suburban house, with more rooms — rooms to clean — than you need at… Read more 5/22/2014 - Cities need to adapt as senior citizens’ housing needs change
5/16/2014 - When Shingles Is Just the Beginning
by admin on May 16, 2014 7:17 pm
You don’t really need another reason to get the shingles vaccine, for yourself (if you’re over 60) or your older relatives. A painful rash, possible damage to vision and a substantial risk of the condition called postherpetic neuralgia, which can hurt for a long time — aren’t those enough? But here’s another reason anyway, courtesy… Read more 5/16/2014 - When Shingles Is Just the Beginning
5/15/2014 - Interdependence: The Real Secret of Aging at Home
by admin on May 15, 2014 4:07 pm
“People need to move beyond the idea of ‘independence’ as we now think about it,” says AARP Foundation’s Walter Woods. “Humans are an interdependent species. We survived the harshest of conditions from our earliest days by recognizing that cooperation, shared resources, and the provision of mutual aid were keys to survival.” Read the full article… Read more 5/15/2014 - Interdependence: The Real Secret of Aging at Home
5/14/2014 - Sense of purpose 'adds years to life'
by admin on May 14, 2014 6:16 pm
Having a sense of purpose may add years to your life, regardless of what the purpose is, research suggests. Not only does it contribute to healthy aging, but it may also stave off early death, according to a study of 7,000 Americans. Read the full article at BBC News.
5/13/2014 - Retirement village life: A third way to face old age
by admin on May 14, 2014 6:06 pm
Old age is associated with moving into a care home or struggling on in your own home. But is there an alternative? The residents of the Denham Garden Village retirement complex think so. Read the full article at BBC News.
5/13/2014 - When Children Become Caregivers
by admin on May 13, 2014 4:24 pm
People who come from a family in which no ever dies don’t have to worry about a parent’s end-of-life care. For everyone else, there’s Roz Chast. In her latest book, Can’t we talk about something more PLEASANT? the prolific author and cartoonist for The New Yorker magazine chronicles how she coped with her parents’ old… Read more 5/13/2014 - When Children Become Caregivers
5/12/2014 - Alzheimer's: A 'memory suitcase’ helps dementia
by admin on May 12, 2014 5:30 pm
A museum in Liverpool has come up with an innovative way of helping Alzheimer’s sufferers – a treasure trove of items that will stimulate a lifetime of memories. Read the full article at The Telegraph (United Kingdom).
5/12/2014 - 8 Simple Products Designed To Make Aging a Little Easier
by admin on May 12, 2014 5:22 pm
Ideo, the international design powerhouse known for its work on everything from industrial design for Apple to in-car UI for Ford, also devotes a significant chunk of its employees’ time to speculative projects like Designs On, a recurring series that takes on a different topic every issue—with design concepts ranging from product design to infrastructure. The… Read more 5/12/2014 - 8 Simple Products Designed To Make Aging a Little Easier
5/8/2014 - Poor physical ability in middle age linked to higher risk of death
by admin on May 8, 2014 6:16 pm
Being in poor shape in middle age hurts more than just one’s physique. It is also tied to earlier death, a recent study found. Read the full article at Reuters.