Category: mobility

3/28/2014 - Having ‘the other talk’ with your kids — not storks, but aging

by on March 28, 2014 8:31 pm
As parents, we care for our children until they can fend for themselves. Then one day, the roles are reversed. Our kids become the caretakers. Perhaps you won’t need assistance in your senior years. You would be one of the lucky ones. The fact is that about 70 percent of people 65 or older will… Read more 3/28/2014 - Having ‘the other talk’ with your kids — not storks, but aging
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3/25/2014 - Thinking Of Retiring? Consider Your Health

by on March 25, 2014 5:39 pm
A majority of older workers in the United States have told pollsters they expect to keep working at least part time after retirement. There are plenty of financial reasons for staying on the job, such as inadequate savings and volatile 401(k) plans. But some research suggests another reason to keep working: It may help keep… Read more 3/25/2014 - Thinking Of Retiring? Consider Your Health

3/21/2014 - Just Don’t Call Them Hearing Aids

by on March 21, 2014 4:32 pm
People who strain to hear conversations in noisy places sometimes shun hearing appliances as telltale signs of aging. But what if those devices looked like wireless phone receivers? Some companies are betting that the high-tech look of a new generation of sound amplifiers will tempt people to try them. Read the full article at The… Read more 3/21/2014 - Just Don’t Call Them Hearing Aids

3/20/2014 - Designing a better way to cope with Alzheimer’s

by on March 20, 2014 10:06 pm
Stanford University’s Center on Longevity — whose mission is to “redesign long life” — launched a design challenge last fall. Partnering with Aging 2.0, they invited students around the world to submit ideas for new products that can maximize independence for those with cognitive impairment. “Students are often exposed to new ideas that aren’t contaminated… Read more 3/20/2014 - Designing a better way to cope with Alzheimer’s

3/19/2014 - New Tech Tools Promise to Make Caregiving Easier

by on March 19, 2014 5:09 pm
Make room in your life for technology, family caregivers. That was a recurring theme at the American Society on Aging (ASA) annualconference that ended this past Saturday. And it was seconded heartily at the Boomer Summit, a daylong event held during ASA for entrepreneurs, businesses and organizations that market to boomers and older adults. At the Boomer Summit, 85… Read more 3/19/2014 - New Tech Tools Promise to Make Caregiving Easier

3/19/2014 - One Sure Way To Tell If Your Aging Parent Shouldn't Be Driving

by on March 19, 2014 4:38 pm
The struggle to get an aging parent to give up driving can be very difficult for family members, particularly when the aging person thinks he or she is perfectly fine. Loss of independence is a very threatening thing for most people. An aging parent who is determined to keep driving, despite warning signs that it’s… Read more 3/19/2014 - One Sure Way To Tell If Your Aging Parent Shouldn't Be Driving

3/18/2014 - Robots to Aid Walking Offer New Tool to Aging, Disabled

by on March 18, 2014 8:03 pm
Eyeing a new market of aging populations and concern over rising health costs, companies in U.S., Europe and Japan are developing bionic suits that may some day save labor and help the elderly care for themselves. Read the full article at Bloomberg.

3/13/2014 - Emergency Rooms Are No Place for the Elderly

by on March 13, 2014 6:03 pm
The number of older people seeking health care is expected to increase significantly over the next 40 years, doubling in the case of those older than 65, potentially tripling among those over 85. In a health care system already critically short of primary care providers and geriatrics specialists, many of these older patients will likely… Read more 3/13/2014 - Emergency Rooms Are No Place for the Elderly

3/12/2014 - The Risk of High-Protein Diets

by on March 12, 2014 8:57 pm
Two studies indicate that they may do more harm than good. Read the full article at The Wall Street Journal.
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3/10/2014 - The Monitored Man

by on March 10, 2014 8:57 pm
For years, health advocates have been telling us to move more. But just how much more? A multitude of activity tracking devices now promise to answer that question. Generally, these digital monitors, which can be worn around the wrist, on collars and belts, even as jewelry, record how and how much you move throughout the… Read more 3/10/2014 - The Monitored Man