Category: mobility
5/13/2013 - Discovery reverses aging of mouse hearts—could it work in humans, too?
by admin on May 13, 2013 5:32 pm
Every living thing is constantly aging. It seems universal and inevitable—a law of nature. Just look in the mirror, or check out your family and friends. Yet in the past decade, a remarkable series of experiments from laboratories all over the world has begun to challenge that “law.” Read the full article at Harvard Health… Read more 5/13/2013 - Discovery reverses aging of mouse hearts—could it work in humans, too?
5/11/2013 - Rise in obesity poses 'dementia time bomb'
by admin on May 11, 2013 5:41 pm
Ever-growing waistlines could result in a big increase in the number of people who develop dementia in the future, researchers have warned. Read the full article at BBC News.
5/8/2013 - High Blood Sugar May Add to Alzheimer's Risk
by admin on May 8, 2013 4:14 pm
Elevated blood sugar levels may increase a person’s risk for Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new study. Read the full article at US News & World Report.
5/6/2013 - Low-Risk Skin Cancers Often Treated Too Aggressively in Elderly, Study Finds
by admin on May 6, 2013 5:54 pm
The patient who made Dr. Eleni Linos wonder about the way we treat small, nonthreatening skin cancers in the elderly was 95 years old. “He was truly suffering,” recalled Dr. Linos, a dermatologist at the University of California, San Francisco. He had undergone multiple surgeries to remove these basal cell and squamous cell cancers, even… Read more 5/6/2013 - Low-Risk Skin Cancers Often Treated Too Aggressively in Elderly, Study Finds
5/6/2013 - Health concerns top list of retirement worries in U.S.
by admin on May 6, 2013 5:43 pm
Health problems and the cost of healthcare are the biggest concerns for those entering retirement, according to a study released on Monday from Bank of America Corp’s Merrill Lynch. Read the full article at Reuters.
5/1/2013 - Yoga After 50
by admin on May 1, 2013 6:05 pm
While many yoga classes across the country seem to cater to the youthful enthusiast who wants to sweat his or her way through an hour-and-a-half workout, a growing number of longtime yoga devotees are raising questions about the best way to safely continue a yoga practice into midlife and beyond. Read the full article at… Read more 5/1/2013 - Yoga After 50
4/27/2013 - Today’s Dream House May Not Be Tomorrow’s
by admin on April 27, 2013 9:56 pm
HOUSES are just buildings, but homes are often beautiful dreams. Unfortunately, as millions of people have learned in the housing crisis, those dreams don’t always comport with reality. Read the full article at The New York Times.
4/26/2013 - Diabetes Advice for the Elderly: Relax
by admin on April 26, 2013 6:35 pm
Diabetes affects nearly 27 percent of older adults. Older diabetics face higher risks of such complications as heart attacks, kidney disease and blindness; they’re more likely than other seniors to wind up in nursing homes. But Dr. Medha Munshi’s response often startles anxious relatives. “You can relax a little,” she often tells them. “Sometimes quality… Read more 4/26/2013 - Diabetes Advice for the Elderly: Relax
4/25/2013 - To cut health bills, boomers need 20-somethings
by admin on April 26, 2013 5:34 pm
Baby boomers with individual health plans stand to benefit big-time when public insurance exchanges launch on January 1. The centerpiece of the Affordable Care Act, these state-level marketplaces will improve boomers’ access to health coverage and may even bring down underlying premiums for those who don’t qualify for a government subsidy, experts say. Read the… Read more 4/25/2013 - To cut health bills, boomers need 20-somethings
4/22/2013 - Researchers: Standing at your desk could have health benefits
by admin on April 22, 2013 10:31 pm
Preliminary research by Stanford Center on Longevity faculty affiliate Cathy Heaney shows standing at your desk at work could lower cholesterol levels and make you less sedentary. See the video at KCRA News.