Category: mobility
1/3/2013 - Why Am I Shrinking?
by admin on January 3, 2013 8:03 pm
Starting at about age 40, people tend to lose about four-tenths of an inch of height every decade, said Dr. David B. Reuben, chief of geriatrics at the David Geffen School of Medicine at U.C.L.A. Some of the height loss occurs as part of the normal aging process, and some because of disease. Our old… Read more 1/3/2013 - Why Am I Shrinking?
12/29/2012 - How Can Astronauts In Space Contribute To Aging Research?
by admin on December 30, 2012 4:16 pm
The Canadian Space Institute (CSA) recently teamed up with the Institute of Aging, a branch of the Canadian Institutes of Health Research, to see what the medical issues faced by astronauts can tell us about the aging process. The two groups pooled resources and knowledge during a workshop in June, and hope to develop an… Read more 12/29/2012 - How Can Astronauts In Space Contribute To Aging Research?
12/24/2012 - Staying Independent in Old Age, With a Little Help
by admin on December 27, 2012 5:20 pm
When asked, 80 to 90 percent of older people say they want to remain in their own homes as long as possible. Yet remaining in one’s home indefinitely is not always the best choice, even if it is financially feasible. As life draws near a close, many older adults need more care than can be… Read more 12/24/2012 - Staying Independent in Old Age, With a Little Help
12/20/2012 - Scientists in Hong Kong map initial anti-aging formula
by admin on December 21, 2012 6:59 pm
Scientists in Hong Kong appear to have mapped out a formula that can delay the aging process in mice, a discovery they hope to replicate in people. Their finding, published in the December issue of Cell Metabolism, builds on their work in 2005 which shed light on premature aging, or progeria, a rare genetic disease… Read more 12/20/2012 - Scientists in Hong Kong map initial anti-aging formula
12/18/2012 - Astronaut study holds promise for the elderly here on Earth
by admin on December 19, 2012 9:41 pm
Soft bones. A risk of fainting. Hardened arteries. These conditions are risks for any space traveler, but they’re also problems facing many seniors living on Earth. To accelerate scientists’ understanding of how the body ages, Canada’s leading space and health agencies are pooling money and researchers, and plan to showcase the results of the research… Read more 12/18/2012 - Astronaut study holds promise for the elderly here on Earth
12/19/2012 - Older People Become What They Think, Study Shows
by admin on December 19, 2012 5:13 pm
When stereotypes are negative — when seniors are convinced becoming old means becoming useless, helpless or devalued — they are less likely to seek preventive medical care and die earlier, and more likely to suffer memory loss and poor physical functioning, a growing body of research shows. Read the full article at The New York… Read more 12/19/2012 - Older People Become What They Think, Study Shows
12/17/2012 - New Car Features May Keep Older Drivers Out Of The Big Yellow Taxi
by admin on December 17, 2012 6:38 pm
Sharon Berlin, a research analyst with AAA, says research shows older drivers are more likely to wear seat belts. They’re less likely to drink and drive. And, yes, they drive slower. “In reality, what we know is that older drivers are actually among the safest drivers on the roads,” Berlin says. Read/listen to the full… Read more 12/17/2012 - New Car Features May Keep Older Drivers Out Of The Big Yellow Taxi
12/14/2012 - New Burden of Disease study shows world’s people living longer but with more disability
by admin on December 14, 2012 8:28 pm
The health of most of the planet’s population is rapidly coming to resemble that of the United States, where death in childhood is rare, too much food is a bigger problem than too little, and life is long and often darkened by disability. Read the full article at The Washington Post.
12/14/2012 - Life Expectancy Rises Around the World, Study Finds
by admin on December 14, 2012 8:25 pm
A sharp decline in deaths from malnutrition and infectious diseases like measles and tuberculosis has caused a shift in global mortality patterns over the past 20 years, according to a report published on Thursday, with far more of the world’s population now living into old age and dying from diseases mostly associated with rich countries,… Read more 12/14/2012 - Life Expectancy Rises Around the World, Study Finds
12/12/2012 - Preventing a tragedy for seniors at the wheel
by admin on December 12, 2012 8:55 pm
“When my dad’s driving deteriorated, I called the California Department of Motor Vehicles and asked about the procedure for having his license revoked. I could fill out a form, I was told, and my dad would be called in to have his driving ability reevaluated.” Read the full article at The Los Angeles Times.