Category: mobility
3/4/2015 - One Twin Exercises, the Other Doesn’t
by admin on March 4, 2015 6:12 pm
Identical twins in Finland who shared the same sports and other physical activities as youngsters but different exercise habits as adults soon developed quite different bodies and brains, according to a fascinating new study that highlights the extent to which exercise shapes our health, even in people who have identical genes and nurturing. Read the… Read more 3/4/2015 - One Twin Exercises, the Other Doesn’t
2/9/2015 - Fully Equipped Village Allows Dementia Patients To Lead Normal, Independent Lives
by admin on February 9, 2015 5:33 pm
A Dutch village allows patients with dementia to live their lives normally while also receiving proper care. From the outside, Hogewey, located in the Netherlands, seems like any other village. It has a small grocery store, a theater and various restaurants and shops. But its residents all have dementia, and the town itself is actually a… Read more 2/9/2015 - Fully Equipped Village Allows Dementia Patients To Lead Normal, Independent Lives
1/30/2015 - Senior tech helps baby boomers come of digital age
by admin on January 30, 2015 9:48 pm
While younger people are typically the “experts” of high-tech gadgets and gizmos, compared to their older compatriots who as a group continue to lag behind in adopting new technology, an increasing number of elders are interested and involved in using technologies that allow them to stay more connected socially, with family and friends. Read the… Read more 1/30/2015 - Senior tech helps baby boomers come of digital age
1/23/2015 - The Best Time of Day to Exercise to Lose Weight
by admin on January 23, 2015 7:11 pm
You might try setting your wake-up alarm earlier and exercising before breakfast. There is some evidence that working out on a completely empty stomach — or, as scientists call this woozy, wee-hours condition, “in a fasted state” — prompts the body to burn more fat and potentially stave off weight gain, compared to exercising at… Read more 1/23/2015 - The Best Time of Day to Exercise to Lose Weight
1/21/2015 - Robot caregivers aim to improve seniors' quality of life
by admin on January 21, 2015 8:57 pm
Tangy the bingo-playing robot will make its debut as part of pilot study at a long-term care facility in Toronto in the coming weeks. Statistics Canada estimates people aged 65 and older will account for almost a quarter of the population by 2051. Prof. Goldie Nejat at the University of Toronto says health-care robots represent… Read more 1/21/2015 - Robot caregivers aim to improve seniors' quality of life
1/21/2015 - Aging research: Blood to blood
by admin on January 21, 2015 7:55 pm
By splicing animals together, scientists have shown that young blood rejuvenates old tissues. Now, they are testing whether it works for humans. Read the full article at Nature.
1/21/2015 - Sitting will kill you, even if you exercise
by admin on January 21, 2015 5:31 pm
One of your favorite activities may actually be killing you. Our entire modern world is constructed to keep you sitting down. When we drive, we sit. When we work at an office, we sit. When we watch TV, well, you get the picture. And yet, a new study that’s running in the Annals of Internal… Read more 1/21/2015 - Sitting will kill you, even if you exercise
1/20/2015 - AAA invests $12 million in study of older drivers’ needs
by admin on January 20, 2015 8:52 pm
Researchers will soon be tracking 3,000 senior drivers as part of an unprecedented project to better understand the safety and transportation needs of aging Americans. The AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety is directing $12 million to Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health so researchers there can study driving behavior and health factors affecting older… Read more 1/20/2015 - AAA invests $12 million in study of older drivers’ needs
1/19/2015 - It Doesn’t Matter How Much You Exercise If You Also Do This
by admin on January 19, 2015 5:36 pm
Your workouts may not mean a lot if you sit too much. Most of us know that we need to be more physically active. Only 20% of American adults get the recommend amount of physical activity—150 minutes of the moderately intense aerobic kind—each week. But simply moving more isn’t enough, according to a new report… Read more 1/19/2015 - It Doesn’t Matter How Much You Exercise If You Also Do This
1/7/2015 - How Exercise Keeps Us Young
by admin on January 7, 2015 11:06 pm
Active older people resemble much younger people physiologically, according to a new study of the effects of exercise on aging. The findings suggest that many of our expectations about the inevitability of physical decline with advancing years may be incorrect and that how we age is, to a large degree, up to us. Read the… Read more 1/7/2015 - How Exercise Keeps Us Young