Category: Financial -Landing 2012

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12/20/2012 - Chained CPI: Diet COLA for Social Security (The Wall Street Journal)

by on December 20, 2012 8:02 pm
As negotiations between President Obama and Speaker Boehner rapidly close on the end of the year deadline for avoiding the fiscal cliff, media attention has been focused on the back-and-forth over increasing taxes. But there hasn’t been much attention to the spending side of the negotiations. That is, however, with one exception — changing the… Read more 12/20/2012 - Chained CPI: Diet COLA for Social Security (The Wall Street Journal)
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12/19/2012 - New study reveals stark differences among baby boomers (Investment News)

by on December 20, 2012 8:00 pm
Younger boomers appear to be less comfortable with financial advisers than older ones. Baby boomers, the roughly 78 million Americans between the ages of 48 and 66, are the meat and potatoes of the financial advisory industry. They control the bulk of investible assets in the country and constitute the core of most advisers’ book… Read more 12/19/2012 - New study reveals stark differences among baby boomers (Investment News)
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12/19/2012 - For Some, Home = Office (The Wall Street Journal)

by on December 20, 2012 7:58 pm
Today, nearly half—47%—of Aetna’s 35,000 U.S. employees work from home. We aren’t talking about checking email after dinner or working from home on Fridays. We’re talking staying home every day: no desk, no cubicle, no computer in an office somewhere. Read the full article at The Wall Street Journal.

12/17/12 - More Seniors Trapped in Children's Student Debt (The Columbus Dispatch)

by on December 17, 2012 6:52 pm
Even in retirement, helpful parents and grandparents who took out federal loans or co-signed bank college loans for their kids are struggling with repayment. The early-morning calls from debt collectors continued even after her massive stroke, waking Bella Logan to daily reminders that she owed $75,000 in student loans. Logan is 94. The federal government… Read more 12/17/12 - More Seniors Trapped in Children's Student Debt (The Columbus Dispatch)

12/17/12 - Using Behavioral Economics to Encourage Employees to Make Better Decisions about their 401(k) Plans (Sibson Consulting's Perspectives)

by on December 17, 2012 6:49 pm
There are many factors that will determine the balance of an employee’s §401(k) plan when he or she reaches retirement. The state of the economy, the trajectory of the markets and other outside factors during an employee’s career all come into play. Every time an employee makes a §401(k)-related choice there is an optimal and… Read more 12/17/12 - Using Behavioral Economics to Encourage Employees to Make Better Decisions about their 401(k) Plans (Sibson Consulting's Perspectives)

12/14/12 - Millenial 401(k) Participation Dependent on Auto-Enrollment (BenefitsPro)

by on December 17, 2012 6:46 pm
Higher numbers of Millennials enroll in their company-sponsored retirement plans if their company automatically enrolls them in it, according to new statistics from Wells Fargo Retirement. In companies that do not automatically enroll eligible employees, just 13.4 percent of Millennials participate in the plan. For its research, Wells Fargo analyzed a subset of 1 million… Read more 12/14/12 - Millenial 401(k) Participation Dependent on Auto-Enrollment (BenefitsPro)
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12/12/2012 - 5 principles for fixing Social Security (The Wall Street Journal)

by on December 14, 2012 4:49 pm
Someone asked whether I wanted to put together a specific list of changes to the Social Security program with attendant cost estimates.  After some thought, I declined.   While I care very much about the future of the program, solving Social Security’s financing challenge is conceptually easy – the problem is relatively small and dozens of… Read more 12/12/2012 - 5 principles for fixing Social Security (The Wall Street Journal)
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12/11/2012 - Raising Medicare age could leave hundreds of thousands uninsured (The Washington Post)

by on December 12, 2012 9:24 pm
It looks increasingly possible that lawmakers will reach a fiscal cliff deal that includes a hike in the Medicare eligibility age — a concession to those on the right who seem determined to see very deep entitlement cuts, even if they take benefits away from vulnerable seniors. One argument for raising the eligibility age is… Read more 12/11/2012 - Raising Medicare age could leave hundreds of thousands uninsured (The Washington Post)
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12/11/2012 - Employer-Sponsored 401(k) Plans Would Drop ‘Significantly’ if Tax Treatment Curtailed: Study (Advisor One)

by on December 12, 2012 9:21 pm
A new report by the American Benefits Institute and Mathew Greenwald & Associates has found that curtailing the current tax treatment of contributions that workers and their employers make to 401(k) plans will “significantly reduce” employers’ willingness to sponsor plans. The survey comes after 11 senators signed onto a resolution calling for the protection of retirement… Read more 12/11/2012 - Employer-Sponsored 401(k) Plans Would Drop ‘Significantly’ if Tax Treatment Curtailed: Study (Advisor One)

12/10/12 - Pension Plan Modifications Provide Sustainability (National Institute on Retirement Security)

by on December 10, 2012 5:14 pm
Faced with financial pressures, 45 states have enacted defined benefit (DB) pension plan reforms since 2008 to achieve affordability, sustainability, and human resource goals rather than switching to 401(k) type defined contribution (DC) accounts. Closing a defined benefit pension plan can cost substantially more than adjusting an existing plan. Additionally, scaling back pensions can have… Read more 12/10/12 - Pension Plan Modifications Provide Sustainability (National Institute on Retirement Security)