Category: Affiliate News 2009

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11/17/09 - Letter to President Obama urging that health reform legislation control costs

by on June 20, 2011 5:16 pm
Health reform legislation should include provisions to lower costs and reduce long-term deficits, says a letter to President Obama from a group of the nation’s leading health economists, including four Center on Longevity faculty affiliates. “ … we write as economists to stress the potential benefits of health reform for our nation’s fiscal health, and… Read more 11/17/09 - Letter to President Obama urging that health reform legislation control costs
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8/18/09 - Putting The Public’s Money Where Its Mouth Is

by on June 20, 2011 5:13 pm
In a paper published by the journal Health Affairs, Center on Longevity faculty affiliates Daniel Kessler and David Brady describe the results of a 2009 national survey that quantifies Americans’ willingness to pay to expand health insurance coverage. Read the full article in Health Affairs