Category: Press Releases

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4/29/07 - Older adults react more calmly to the prospect of financial loss

by on June 21, 2011 4:55 am
Brain scan study by Stanford researchers may help explain why adults over 65 feel more comfortable in their financial decision-making than younger people. And why they may be vulnerable to scams. STANFORD — In a finding that could have important implications for understanding how older adults process and make financial decisions – and why they… Read more 4/29/07 - Older adults react more calmly to the prospect of financial loss
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3/10/07 - Global Aging Patterns Threaten the Economic Well-Being and Political Stability of Countries Throughout the World

by on June 21, 2011 4:53 am
Economist Adele Hayutin of Stanford’s Center on Longevity says startling demographic trends will impact not only the traditional issues of aging such as financial security and health, but also national security, trade policy, and economic prospects for all countries. STANFORD, CA — Dramatic, unprecedented changes in global aging patterns will impact the economic well-being of… Read more 3/10/07 - Global Aging Patterns Threaten the Economic Well-Being and Political Stability of Countries Throughout the World
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10/5/2006 - The Sole of a Breakthrough

by on June 21, 2011 4:51 am
SCL Affiliate Tom Andriacchi has developed a special shoe that could literally shift medicine’s first line of defense against arthritis. Forty million Americans suffer the pain and weakness of osteoarthritis, the deterioration of cartilage in the joint that long has been considered an aggravating and inevitable result of aging. Now, the Stanford Center for Longevity’s… Read more 10/5/2006 - The Sole of a Breakthrough