Category: Longevity News 2013

10/1/2013 - Study shows how to fix big flaw with 401(k) plans

by on October 1, 2013 4:17 pm
Most 401(k) participants plans are on their own when it comes to deciding how to turn their retirement savings into reliable, lifetime income. The reason? Most employers pay retiring employees a lump sum from the 401(k) plan and don’t provide any help with the critical task of generating retirement income from that savings. Read the… Read more 10/1/2013 - Study shows how to fix big flaw with 401(k) plans

10/1/2013 - Ethical Tradition Meets Economics In An Aging China

by on October 1, 2013 4:12 pm
China is home to the world’s largest aging population, and its attitudes and treatment of the elderly are changing. In the past, there was little mention in China of the rights of the elderly. Instead, ancestor worship and Confucian respect for the elderly were the norm. But since this summer, Chinese law requires adult offspring… Read more 10/1/2013 - Ethical Tradition Meets Economics In An Aging China

The Rise of Semi-Retirement

by on September 30, 2013 8:19 pm
Switching directly from a full-time job that consumes most of your waking hours to retirement can be a very abrupt change. More than a third of working Americans say they would like to semi-retire, or cut back their hours, before retiring completely, according to a recent HSBC and Cicero Group survey. Workers have both personal… Read more The Rise of Semi-Retirement

9/30/2013 - Five retirement lessons from the 2008 crash

by on September 30, 2013 5:11 pm
When is the next big crash? Will you be ready? One of the major lessons learned from the 2008 debacle is that people who remained in the market and avoided panicking came out of things just fine. Read the full article at MarketWatch.
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9/30/2013 - Global Study: World Not Ready for Aging Population

by on September 30, 2013 5:06 pm
The world is aging so fast that most countries are not prepared to support their swelling numbers of elderly people, according to a global study going out Tuesday by the United Nations and an elder rights group. Read the full article at ABC News.

9/29/2013 - Seniors behind the wheel: Few kids have the talk

by on September 29, 2013 8:14 pm
As America ages, more adult children will face talk with parents about giving up car keys.It won’t be easy: Survey finds that many worry about parents’ driving but avoid having the conversation. Read the full article at USA Today.

9/26/2013 - Healthy Aging for a Sustainable Workforce

by on September 27, 2013 7:54 pm
Today’s employers face many challenges in their efforts to compete with an increasingly global marketplace. For years the cost of health care deservedly grabbed all the headlines as employers struggled to bear the costs of health care. As the American workforce ages in place, employers have become increasingly aware of how chronic illness and poor… Read more 9/26/2013 - Healthy Aging for a Sustainable Workforce

9/26/2013 - Retirement hurts big earners too, study finds

by on September 27, 2013 7:52 pm
The more money you make before retirement, the more you may have to cut back when you do retire, a new study has found. Read the full article at Los Angeles Times.

9/26/2013 - Carrying Debt After Retirement

by on September 27, 2013 7:50 pm
If college debt is a hindrance to young adults, mortgage debt is the drag on homeowners heading into retirement. A much higher proportion of homeowners over 65 are carrying mortgage debt compared with past generations. And that debt could make it harder for them to stay in their homes. Read the full article at The… Read more 9/26/2013 - Carrying Debt After Retirement

9/26/2013 - Unexpected rise in number of extremely poor elderly women

by on September 27, 2013 7:49 pm
Despite modest gains in the economy in 2012, national poverty rates remain virtually unchanged from last year. However, a new study highlights one group that has unexpectedly fallen deeper into poverty: elderly women. Read the full article at CNBC.