Category: Longevity News 2013

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8/9/2013 - With the kids gone, aging Baby Boomers opt for city life

by on August 9, 2013 4:17 pm
Between 2000 and 2010, more than a million baby boomers moved out of areas 40 to 80 miles from city centers and a similar number moved to within five miles of city centers, according to an analysis of 50 large cities by the online real estate brokerage Redfin. Read the full article at The Washington Post.
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8/8/2013 - Study ties higher blood sugar to dementia risk

by on August 8, 2013 6:10 pm
Higher blood-sugar levels, even those well short of diabetes, seem to raise the risk of developing dementia, a major new study finds. Researchers say it suggests a novel way to try to prevent Alzheimer’s disease – by keeping glucose at a healthy level. Read the full article at Fox News.
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8/7/2013 - Distracted Aging

by on August 7, 2013 6:08 pm
I was on my way to the kitchen to get some breakfast the other morning when I noticed my bedroom closet was open, which reminded me I might have some pants in another closet I could fit into now that I’ve lost weight, but on the way there I saw an insurance statement on the… Read more 8/7/2013 - Distracted Aging
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8/7/2013 - Suicide Rates Are High Among the Elderly

by on August 7, 2013 5:43 pm
Among Americans of all ages, 12.4 per 100,000 take their own lives each year, according to 2010 statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. But among those over 65, the official number is 14.9, and suicide may be under-reported. Because of the stigma, “coroners will go to great lengths to call it something… Read more 8/7/2013 - Suicide Rates Are High Among the Elderly
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8/7/2013 - CDC: Childhood obesity rates falling in many states

by on August 7, 2013 5:12 pm
The obesity rates of lower-income preschoolers dropped from 2008 to 2011 in 19 of 43 states and territories measured. Read the full article at USA Today.
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8/6/2013 - Living to 120 and Beyond: Americans’ Views on Aging, Medical Advances and Radical Life Extension

by on August 6, 2013 4:42 pm
The possibility that extraordinary life spans could become ordinary life spans no longer seems far-fetched. Yet many Americans do not look happily on the prospect of living much longer lives. They see peril as well as promise in biomedical advances, and more think it would be a bad thing than a good thing for society… Read more 8/6/2013 - Living to 120 and Beyond: Americans’ Views on Aging, Medical Advances and Radical Life Extension
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8/5/2013 - Scientists Develop Early-Warning System for Alzheimer's Disease

by on August 5, 2013 5:12 pm
A quick sniff of a nasal spray sends microscopic metal particles into the brain, where they target and destroy the damaging proteins of Alzheimer’s disease. Read the full article at Scientific American.

8/4/2013 - A Plan to Avert the Pension Crisis

by on August 4, 2013 4:33 pm
It isn’t politically feasible for Washington to bail out Detroit, but President Obama and Congress must step in to avert the worst fiscal collapse in urban American history. Read the full article at The New York Times.  
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8/3/2013 - Worms' Bright Blue Death Could Shed Light On Human Aging

by on August 3, 2013 5:09 pm
Last year, researchers at University College London’s Institute of Healthy Ageing were looking through their microscopes when they saw something amazing. “Suddenly there appears a sort of ghostly blue fluorescence,” Gems tells Jacki Lyden, host of weekends on All Things Considered. “And then it spreads in a kind of flashing wave from the front end to… Read more 8/3/2013 - Worms' Bright Blue Death Could Shed Light On Human Aging

8/2/2013 - Seven Ways To Pay For Retirement

by on August 2, 2013 6:24 pm
Getting by in retirement should be about more than just “getting by.” Yet lots of people arrive at that moment unsure of just how they will pay for retirement after leaving work behind. Read the full article at Forbes.