Category: Longevity News 2013

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6/27/2013 - Scientists discern signatures of old versus young stem cells

by on June 27, 2013 1:52 pm
In a study published June 27 in Cell Reports, a team led by Thomas Rando, MD, PhD, professor of neurology and neurological sciences, chief of the Veterans Affairs Palo Alto Health Care System’s neurology service and Deputy Director of the Stanford Center on Longevity, has identified characteristic differences in “histone signatures” between stem cells from the muscles of… Read more 6/27/2013 - Scientists discern signatures of old versus young stem cells
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6/26/2013 - Aging Parents, Dementia And Financial Decisions: What Is Safe?

by on June 26, 2013 1:56 pm
There is a lot of research to inform us that as an aging parent develops dementia, their financial decision-making capacity erodes early on.  At the same time, a parent can be quite appropriate socially and appear “fine”. A case at involved a frustrated daughter with a mother like that. Read the full article at Forbes.  … Read more 6/26/2013 - Aging Parents, Dementia And Financial Decisions: What Is Safe?
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6/25/2013 - Navratilova and others discuss staying fit and healthy at age 20 vs. age 60

by on June 25, 2013 7:28 pm
One sneaker fits all. According to government recommendations, you should do at least 21 / 2 hours of moderate aerobic activity per week and twice-weekly sessions of strength training to improve your health, no matter your age. But don’t physical fitness needs change as we grow older? Not that much, it turns out. Read the… Read more 6/25/2013 - Navratilova and others discuss staying fit and healthy at age 20 vs. age 60
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6/25/2013 - New ways to help seniors deal with pain and depression

by on June 25, 2013 7:10 pm
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that up to 5 percent of Americans age 65 and older living in community settings have major depression, which can result in acute psychological anguish, disability, suicide and early death. Rates for seniors who are hospitalized or living in nursing homes are much higher, 25 to 40… Read more 6/25/2013 - New ways to help seniors deal with pain and depression
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6/25/2013 - Working boomers need to cut disability risk

by on June 25, 2013 3:50 pm
More Americans say that one piece of their retirement-savings plan is to keep working and to delay retirement. But all too often a health crisis or illness blows a big hole in that idea. The bad news? Older workers have few options for insuring against that risk. Read the full article at MarketWatch.
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6/25/2013 - Retirement Planning: Make Your Money Last

by on June 25, 2013 3:45 pm
Retirement planning is no longer just about accumulating a nest egg. It’s about optimizing what you’ve worked so hard to achieve, so you have reliable income throughout retirement – regardless of how long you live. This means the investment and savings strategies you used to accumulate wealth need to be adjusted as you prepare for… Read more 6/25/2013 - Retirement Planning: Make Your Money Last
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6/24/2013 - Depression May Increase The Risk Of Dementia Later On

by on June 24, 2013 10:03 pm
Depression can have physical consequences. Research now suggests that when people get depressed in middle age and beyond, they’re more likely to develop dementia in old age. Read/Listen to the full story at National Public Radio (NPR).
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6/24/2013 - Rowboats for Retirement

by on June 24, 2013 3:46 pm
A lot of people used to think of 401(k) retirement accounts this way. But in the last six years, most Americans have gained a new appreciation of financial bad weather and the threat of a perfect storm. Stock market volatility, low interest rates and a sagging bond market have discouraged retirement savings. Read the full… Read more 6/24/2013 - Rowboats for Retirement
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6/24/2013 - International Aging: It's Not What You Think

by on June 24, 2013 3:38 pm
Although most of us know that the world is aging, the stereotype persists that aging is somehow fundamentally different in the developed, wealthier world. Developing countries, this story goes, have a large younger population — due to greater fertility and poor health care that leads to earlier death of older adults — but also revere… Read more 6/24/2013 - International Aging: It's Not What You Think
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6/22/2013 - Beta testing: The search for a treatment for dementia continues

by on June 22, 2013 3:41 pm
Alzheimer’s disease wrecks lives. And as people live longer, it will wreck more with every passing year. It also wrecks budgets. In America in 2010, the cost of treating those with dementia was $109 billion. That exceeds the cost of treating those with heart disease or with cancer. The RAND Corporation, a Californian think-tank, reckons… Read more 6/22/2013 - Beta testing: The search for a treatment for dementia continues