Category: Longevity News 2013

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5/6/2013 - Health concerns top list of retirement worries in U.S.

by on May 6, 2013 5:43 pm
Health problems and the cost of healthcare are the biggest concerns for those entering retirement, according to a study released on Monday from Bank of America Corp’s Merrill Lynch. Read the full article at Reuters.  
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5/3/2013 - Helping Seniors Learn New Technology

by on May 3, 2013 8:18 pm
Only 54 percent of Americans over age 65 have access to the Internet, according to Pew Research studies. Among those 77 and older, the proportion drops to about a third. In an era when everything, from personal health records to nursing home quality ratings, is moving online, when the best way to stay in touch… Read more 5/3/2013 - Helping Seniors Learn New Technology
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5/2/2013 - Time to wake from the American Dream and face retirement reality

by on May 2, 2013 6:01 pm
The retirement plans of more and more Americans are about as connected to reality as Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Grim is exactly what it is going to be for these folks when, in their 70s, their 401(k)s have petered out, they have no pensions and no income except what they get from the tottering Social Security… Read more 5/2/2013 - Time to wake from the American Dream and face retirement reality
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4/27/2013 - Loans Borrowed Against Pensions Squeeze Retirees

by on May 1, 2013 10:01 pm
To retirees, the offers can sound like the answer to every money worry: convert tomorrow’s pension checks into today’s hard cash. But these offers, known as pension advances, are having devastating financial consequences for a growing number of older Americans, threatening their retirement savings and plunging them further into debt. Read the full article at… Read more 4/27/2013 - Loans Borrowed Against Pensions Squeeze Retirees
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5/1/2013 - Retirement happens even without a plan

by on May 1, 2013 7:02 pm
Many people have surrendered to the idea that they will “work until they drop,” especially if they haven’t saved enough money to retire. The problem with that strategy is that a high percentage of people who are retired today had to leave the workforce before they planned due to failing health, layoffs and family issues.… Read more 5/1/2013 - Retirement happens even without a plan
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5/1/2013 - Yoga After 50

by on May 1, 2013 6:05 pm
While many yoga classes across the country seem to cater to the youthful enthusiast who wants to sweat his or her way through an hour-and-a-half workout, a growing number of longtime yoga devotees are raising questions about the best way to safely continue a yoga practice into midlife and beyond. Read the full article at… Read more 5/1/2013 - Yoga After 50
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5/1/2013 - Does Depression Contribute to Dementia?

by on May 1, 2013 6:02 pm
A large body of research has linked late-life depression to social isolation, poorer health and an increased risk of death. Now, a new study finds that depression is associated with subsequent vascular dementia and Alzheimer’s disease, conditions poised to expand dramatically with the aging population. Read the full article at The New York Times.
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4/30/2013 - New blood test may predict Alzheimer's disease

by on April 30, 2013 5:14 pm
Australian scientists say they are one step closer to creating a blood test that can predict Alzheimer’s years before symptoms appear. New CSIRO research has identified markers in the blood that can signal whether the disease is starting to developing in the brain. Read the full article at ABC News.
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4/30/2013 - Tapping your nest egg to pay the doctor

by on April 30, 2013 5:10 pm
The latest research underscores the importance of putting retirement assets in the right places. One strategy: an “emergency bucket” to cover unexpected expenses, especially medical costs. Read the full article at MarketWatch.
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4/29/2013 - Why Older Minds Make Better Decisions

by on April 29, 2013 11:08 pm
The decisions we make throughout our lives about money, work, health and relationships have a tremendous influence on how we age. And as the number of older people increases, not only in the United States but around the world, the decisions seniors make and how they make them will have a significant impact on global… Read more 4/29/2013 - Why Older Minds Make Better Decisions