Category: Longevity News 2013
4/23/2013 - Hollywood's hot new target demo? Baby Boomers
by admin on April 23, 2013 5:52 pm
For years, teens and twentysomethings fond of 3-D spectacle and comic-book action have topped the film industry’s most-wanted list of customers. But with increasing competition for entertainment dollars from gadgets, video games and online outlets, Hollywood is courting a more reliable group: the 76 million or so Americans born during the Baby Boom years, 1946… Read more 4/23/2013 - Hollywood's hot new target demo? Baby Boomers
4/23/2103 - Therapy Can Still Help
by admin on April 23, 2013 5:47 pm
Older adults appear increasingly willing to seek psychological help, even at advanced ages. Therapy no longer carries the same stigma it once did, even among the so-called Greatest Generation, and therapists now discount the idea that people in their 70s and 80s can’t change their thinking. “Usually, they’ve tried other resources like their church, or… Read more 4/23/2103 - Therapy Can Still Help
4/22/2013 - Researchers: Standing at your desk could have health benefits
by admin on April 22, 2013 10:31 pm
Preliminary research by Stanford Center on Longevity faculty affiliate Cathy Heaney shows standing at your desk at work could lower cholesterol levels and make you less sedentary. See the video at KCRA News.
4/22/2013 - The Retirement Home, Alive With Intrigue
by admin on April 22, 2013 5:43 pm
As ideas about aging continue to seep into popular culture, I’ve noticed senior communities, nursing homes and assisted living facilities playing a variety of roles. They show up as detention centers for rebellious older characters to escape from, as in the comic novel “Breaking Out of Bedlam.” They’re the fate people struggle to avoid, as… Read more 4/22/2013 - The Retirement Home, Alive With Intrigue
4/22/2013 - Scammers Find Fertile Ground In Health Law
by admin on April 22, 2013 4:56 pm
Law enforcement agencies are reporting an increase in insurance scams across the country. Many of the fraudsters seem to be preying on the public’s confusion over the massive changes taking place in the nation’s health care system. Read/listen to the full story at National Public Radio.
4/22/2013 - A Boom in Entrepreneurship, Self-Employment Among Late Bloomers
by admin on April 22, 2013 4:20 pm
Are mature entrepreneurs on the rise? Economics correspondent Paul Solman talks to older workers who decided to pursue their own business dreams later in life. Read/listen to the full story at PBS NewsHour.
4/22/2013 - How Therapy Can Help in the Golden Years
by admin on April 22, 2013 3:52 pm
“We’ve been seeing more people in their 80s and older over the past five years, many who have never done therapy before,” said Dolores Gallagher-Thompson, a professor of research in the department of psychiatry at Stanford and a Stanford Center on Longevity faculty affiliate. “Usually, they’ve tried other resources like their church, or talked to… Read more 4/22/2013 - How Therapy Can Help in the Golden Years
4/21/2013 - Change diet, exercise habits at same time for best results, study says
by admin on April 21, 2013 3:58 pm
Researchers at the Stanford School of Medicine, including Center on Longevity faculty affiliate Abby King, have discovered that focusing on changing exercise and diet at the same time gives a bigger boost than tackling them sequentially. They also found that focusing on changing diet first — an approach that many weight-loss programs advocate — may… Read more 4/21/2013 - Change diet, exercise habits at same time for best results, study says
4/18/2013 - Walking While Old: Seniors Face Greatest Death Risk
by admin on April 19, 2013 6:48 pm
Parents worry a lot about the safety of children crossing the street. It looks like they should be worried about Grandpa, too. Older people are at higher risk of being killed by a car while walking, according to new data from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Read the full article at National… Read more 4/18/2013 - Walking While Old: Seniors Face Greatest Death Risk
4/18/2013 - Low-interest-rate environment exposes seniors to fraudsters
by admin on April 19, 2013 6:44 pm
Senior citizens are being lured into riskier investments — and often outright scams — as carefully laid retirement plans have been scuttled by five years of low interest rates. Read the full article at The Washington Post.