Category: Longevity News 2013
3/22/2013 - U.S. Retirement Poll: The Big Lie And The Big Fantasy
by admin on March 22, 2013 6:24 pm
The Employee Benefit Research Institute just rolled out its 23rd annual Retirement Confidence Survey and before you roll your eyes — another retirement survey?! — let me mention that it’s the mother of them all. Read the full article at Forbes.
3/22/2013 - Suddenly, They’re All Gone
by admin on March 22, 2013 5:47 pm
Caring for the old is just like parenting an infant, only on really bad acid. It’s all there: the head-spinning exhaustion, the fractured brain, the demands and smells. Only this time with the knowledge that it won’t get better. Read the full article at The New York Times.
3/21/2013 - Moving Advice for Empty Nesters
by admin on March 21, 2013 6:04 pm
Once you’re an empty nester, should you stay or should you go? It depends on your town – and your motives. Read the full article at Family Goes Strong.
3/21/2013 - The Doctor’s New Prescription: A Lawyer
by admin on March 21, 2013 3:40 pm
Consider the geriatricians working at the Lakeside Senior Medical Center, an outpatient clinic at the University of California, San Francisco. Many of their patients, despite multiple chronic diseases and advanced age, have never filled out power-of-attorney documents or appointed someone to make health care decisions if they are unable to. Read the full article at… Read more 3/21/2013 - The Doctor’s New Prescription: A Lawyer
3/20/2013 - U.S. workforce grows older as workers postpone retirement
by admin on March 20, 2013 7:05 pm
American workers are pushing their retirement further down the road finding that rising life expectancies mean they’ll need more income. Some say these older workers could bring an opportunity for companies to create new work models to accommodate older workers. Read/listen to the full story at Public Radio International.
3/20/2013 - Aging a concern for many Americans but harder for women : poll
by admin on March 20, 2013 7:02 pm
Aging is a concern for many Americans, particularly its impact on health, but men seem to have an easier time dealing with the hallmarks of passing years than women, according to a new survey. Read the full article at Reuters.
3/19/2013 - Alzheimer's 'Epidemic' Now A Deadlier Threat To Elderly
by admin on March 19, 2013 5:41 pm
Alzheimer’s disease doesn’t just steal memories. It takes lives. The disease is now the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S., and figures released Tuesday by the Alzheimer’s Association show that deaths from the disease increased by 68 percent between 2000 and 2010. Read/listen to the full story at National Public Radio.
3/18/2013 - Ageing well: Can dance and art keep the mind and body young?
by admin on March 18, 2013 5:41 pm
Proponents of the arts have long argued that creative therapy can help ageing patients. Now, scientists have begun investigating that claim. Read the full article at BBC News.
3/18/2013 - The Unobstructed Home
by admin on March 18, 2013 4:29 pm
A new book by architect Deborah Pierce showcases 25 homes across the country: a loft in Seattle, a farmhouse in Maine, a colonial in suburban Boston, a multi-level house built into an Oakland hillside. Architects (only one house is her own project) have rendered them accessible for a variety of residents, from children with cerebral… Read more 3/18/2013 - The Unobstructed Home
3/14/2013 - Living Longer Than Ever: Is That a Good Thing?
by admin on March 14, 2013 3:20 pm
The good news: We’re living longer than ever. The bad news: We’re living longer than ever. In an oversimplified way, that was the message from Laura Carstensen, director of Stanford University’s Center on Longevity, in her remarks to this year’s Aging in America conference here, sponsored by the American Society on Aging. Carstensen, a well-known… Read more 3/14/2013 - Living Longer Than Ever: Is That a Good Thing?