Category: Center
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3/8/2012 - Aging And Happiness: Why People May Be Happier As They Age
by admin on March 8, 2012 10:27 pm
“Every age has its happiness and troubles,” famous French uber-centenarian Jeanne Calment once said. And every age, quite literally, looks at happiness and troubles in different ways. For that nugget of wisdom, we can tip our hats to Derek Isaacowitz. In the early 90s, Isaacowitz worked as a research assistant to Laura Carstensen while pursuing undergraduate studies… Read more 3/8/2012 - Aging And Happiness: Why People May Be Happier As They Age
2/17/2012 - Look for new roles for older citizens in an aging America, says Stanford's Laura Carstensen
by admin on February 17, 2012 5:28 pm
The country’s percentage of older people is rising rapidly. But that’s not just a problem, says Laura Carstensen, an expert on aging, it’s also a chance to improve transportation, redesign the suburbs and gain from the talents and experience of our elders. Read the full article at Stanford News
1/29/2012 - It’s Not Me, It’s You
by admin on January 31, 2012 8:17 pm
Psychologists consider it an inevitable life stage, a point where people achieve enough maturity and self-awareness to know who they are and what they want out of their remaining years, and have a degree of clarity about which friends deserve full attention and which are a drain. It is time, in other words, to shed… Read more 1/29/2012 - It’s Not Me, It’s You
1/1/2012 - The Resolution of a Lifetime
by admin on January 1, 2012 6:07 pm
Assuming you are a typical American, you are about 2 inches taller than your great-grandparents were at the same age even though you are genetically no heartier than your ancestors were 10,000 years ago. You are stronger, healthier, smarter and living an average of 30 years longer than Americans were at the turn of the… Read more 1/1/2012 - The Resolution of a Lifetime
11/29/2011 - Working Into Your 70s: A Smart Retirement Move
by admin on November 30, 2011 5:29 pm
“As people get older, they care more about how they’re spending their time, and their motivation changes,” says Laura Carstensen, director of the Stanford Center on Longevity. Read the full article at U.S. News and World Report
9/29/2011 - Fixing the Third Rail
by admin on September 29, 2011 4:43 pm
In an interview with First Business reporter Paul Eggers, Laura Carstensen, Director of the Standford University Center on Longevity, discusses how to fix the country’s social security problem.
12/1/09 - Loneliness Is Contagious: 4 Ways to Stay Connected as You Age
by admin on June 20, 2011 5:18 pm
Center on Longevity director Laura L. Carstensen discusses opportunities for people to stay connected as they get older and a note on how they respond to political candidates’ communications. Read the full article in U.S. News and World Report
8/6/09 - Mental health, happiness improve with age, studies say
by admin on June 20, 2011 4:58 pm
Aging has its upsides in terms of mental health and happiness, according to researchers speaking at the American Psychological Association meeting here. Two California researchers — in separate presentions — say that mental health improves with age; most people get happier as they get older, and those who are older have more control over their… Read more 8/6/09 - Mental health, happiness improve with age, studies say