Category: Center
12/3/2015 - When It Pays to File Early for Social Security
by admin on December 3, 2015 5:29 pm
Filing for social security while your benefit is still growing sometimes makes sense. In deciding when to take Social Security, later is almost always better than sooner, and for good reason. A team including Stanford researchers John Shoven (SCL Faculty Leader) and Gopi Shah Goda (SCL Faculty Advisor) published a paper in 2015 concluding that… Read more 12/3/2015 - When It Pays to File Early for Social Security
11/20/2015 - What Colleges Can Do for Americans at Midlife
by admin on November 20, 2015 6:56 pm
A 2015 Influencer in Aging wants to see them take on a new mission. This article is part of Next Avenue’s 2015 Influencers in Aging project honoring 50 people changing how we age and think about aging. Here, Dr. Philip Pizzo, one of the Influencers, blogs about what he’d like to see colleges and universities… Read more 11/20/2015 - What Colleges Can Do for Americans at Midlife
10/28/2015 - The Most Influential People In Aging
by admin on October 28, 2015 7:34 pm
Next Avenue released the 2015 Influencers in Aging, its first annual list recognizing 50 inspiring thought leaders, innovators, doctors, authors, advocates, experts, executives and others changing how we age and think about aging. Read the full article at Forbes.
10/26/2015 - A ‘Gener-ager’s’ Perspective on Aging’s Broken Record
by admin on October 26, 2015 9:09 pm
Whether it is Marc Freedman’s seminal books reflecting the encore career movement, Laura Carstensen’s directorship of the Stanford Center on Longevity or Paul Irving’s book, The Upside of Aging (to name just a few examples), society needs to embrace the “successful aging” theme. Read the full article at Next Avenue.
10/8/2015 - Second cohort of Stanford Distinguished Careers Institute Fellows named
by admin on October 8, 2015 4:37 pm
A real estate developer, a healthcare consultant and a senior adviser at the U.S. Agency for International Development are among the 25 fellows chosen by Stanford’s Distinguished Careers Institute (DCI), to take part in its 2016 program of intellectual exploration and personal reflection. The program, now in its second year, is designed for exceptional leaders with decades… Read more 10/8/2015 - Second cohort of Stanford Distinguished Careers Institute Fellows named
9/21/2015 - Stanford longevity design winner brings dementia place setting into production
by admin on September 21, 2015 2:17 pm
Helping people live not just longer but better lives is the goal of Stanford’s Center on Longevity, and last year it held a Design Challenge to scope out great ideas for doing so. The winner of that competition is no longer just a design; Eatwell is moving into production. Read the full article at Scope.
9/16/2015 - Is it time to abolish mandatory retirement?
by admin on September 16, 2015 5:06 pm
Some experts say we need to rethink forcing people out due to their age. Read the full article at MarketWatch.
9/11/2015 - Charting new intellectual, personal pathways at Stanford
by admin on September 11, 2015 5:17 pm
The first cohort of fellows in Stanford’s Distinguished Careers Institute described the program as invigorating, exciting and enriching, and “a real gift.” Read the full article at Stanford Report.
9/3/2015 - Tableware designed for Alzheimer's patients
by admin on September 3, 2015 2:33 am
For Sha Yao, watching her late grandmother’s decline at the unrelenting hands of Alzheimer’s disease prompted the industrial designer to take creative action in the form of assistive tableware. With years of research and observation under her belt, Yao set to work creating and perfecting Eatwell, an assistive tableware set designed specially for patients with… Read more 9/3/2015 - Tableware designed for Alzheimer's patients
8/27/2015 - New spoons and plates make it easier for people with Alzheimer's to eat
by admin on August 28, 2015 2:41 am
When Sha Yao, winner of the inaugural Stanford Center on Longevity Design Challenge, was caregiving for her late grandmother who was living with Alzheimer’s, she quickly realized daily activities had become major obstacles for her beloved family member. One of the biggest hurdles for her grandmother was a seemingly simple activity: eating. So she developed… Read more 8/27/2015 - New spoons and plates make it easier for people with Alzheimer's to eat