Category: Center

11/30/2014 - Why Everything You Think About Aging May Be Wrong

by on November 30, 2014 8:49 pm
Everyone knows that as we age, our minds and bodies decline—and life inevitably becomes less satisfying and enjoyable. Everyone knows that cognitive decline is inevitable. Everyone knows that as we get older, we become less productive at work. Everyone, it seems, is wrong. Read the full article at The Wall Street Journal.

11/17/2014 - The Real Roots of Midlife Crisis

by on November 17, 2014 9:55 pm
What a growing body of research reveals about the biology of human happiness—and how to navigate the (temporary) slump in middle age Read the full article at The Atlantic.
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11/3/2014 - Don’t let your parents make these social media mistakes

by on November 3, 2014 5:23 pm
Parents have a hard enough time protecting their children from social media miscues, ID theft and the like. And now that nearly six in 10 Americans ages 65 or older are online, adult children increasingly have to worry about protecting their parents from all that could wrong in the digital world. First, consider that what… Read more 11/3/2014 - Don’t let your parents make these social media mistakes

10/25/2014 - No Proof That 'Brain Training' Games Work, Some Experts Say

by on October 25, 2014 3:29 pm
Many “brain-training” games may be marketed as a way to boost people’s alertness and intelligence, but scientists are now warning that such claims are not based on actual science. Read the full article at NBC News.

10/23/2014 - Can Video Games Fend Off Mental Decline?

by on October 23, 2014 3:43 pm
In the commercial world, hyperbole reigns. App stores are littered with brazen claims — Elevate-Brain Training, for example, is “based on extensive research.” Ulman Lindenberger, a director at the Max Planck Institute, recently published a study that found that 100 days of cognitive training yielded a “relatively minor” improvement in working memory. Soon afterward, a… Read more 10/23/2014 - Can Video Games Fend Off Mental Decline?

10/22/2014 - Neuroscientists speak out against brain game hype

by on October 23, 2014 3:49 am
Aging baby boomers and seniors would be better off going for a hike than sitting down in front of one of the many video games designed to aid the brain, a group of nearly 70 researchers asserted this week in a critique of some of the claims made by the brain-training industry.  Read the full story at… Read more 10/22/2014 - Neuroscientists speak out against brain game hype
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10/22/2014 - Center on Longevity hosts design challenge focusing on elderly mobility

by on October 22, 2014 10:21 pm
Switching from last year’s theme of cognitive impairment, the 2014-15 Design Challenge will focus on mobility in older adults. Submissions are due Dec. 5 at 5 p.m. The Design Challenge is an annual competition that seeks to engage students worldwide in designing improvements for the elderly population. According to Ken Smith, director of mobility at… Read more 10/22/2014 - Center on Longevity hosts design challenge focusing on elderly mobility

10/22/2014 - Brain-Training Companies Get Advice From Some Academics, Criticism From Others

by on October 22, 2014 10:06 pm
Your brain is a tree. Or, perhaps more fittingly, a bank account. With metaphors like those, brain-game companies entice people to buy subscriptions to their online training programs, many of which promise to increase customers’ “neuroplasticity,” “fluid intelligence,” and working memory capacity. They even claim to help stave off the effects of aging. Leading scientists have criticized… Read more 10/22/2014 - Brain-Training Companies Get Advice From Some Academics, Criticism From Others
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10/22/2014 - Seeing More Gray in the College Classroom

by on October 22, 2014 10:03 pm
Higher education faces a serious decline in its traditional 18-22 population. Having fewer potential students from the traditional demographic segment could have serious implications for funding. One part of the solution—open the doors to a new demographic segment. Read the full article at Library Journal.

10/20/2014 - Stanford brain experts, others, say brain game benefits are exaggerated

by on October 21, 2014 3:44 pm
“It is customary for advertising to highlight the benefits and overstate potential advantages of their products,” said Laura Carstensen, a Stanford psychology professor and the director of the Center for Longevity, in a press release.”But in the case of brain games, companies also assert that the products are based on solid scientific evidence developed by… Read more 10/20/2014 - Stanford brain experts, others, say brain game benefits are exaggerated