Category: Affiliate News 2014

12/16/2014 - The upside of aging

by on December 17, 2014 12:34 am
Very few people welcome the aging process with open arms. BeWell spoke with Manjula Waldron, PhD, consulting professor at the Stanford Prevention Research Center, about the often-overlooked positive side of aging and how having a plan for healthy aging can make a real difference. Read the full article at BeWell@Stanford.

12/9/2014 - Proof that you should get a life

by on December 9, 2014 5:38 pm
A new paper by John Pencavel, Stanford University professor and Center on Longevity faculty affiliate, shows that reducing working hours can be good for productivity. Read the full article at The Economist.

10/23/2014 - Stanford psychologist explores how meaningfulness cultivates well-being over time

by on October 23, 2014 6:05 pm
Professor Jennifer Aaker says that while meaningful choices are often not pleasurable to make, they are commonly associated with a greater sense of well-being in the long run. Jennifer Aaker is a faculty affiliate of the Center on Longevity. Read the full article at Stanford Report.

9/23/2014 - Exercise and your brain

by on September 24, 2014 6:24 pm
Thomas Rando, MD, PhD, who studies stem cells in muscle and longevity, and Tony Wyss-Coray, PhD, who studies the immune system’s impact on the brain, were awarded an NIH Director’s Transformative Research Award to study the slew of molecules that muscles release and how they help muscle cells communicate with other cells. Thomas Rando is… Read more 9/23/2014 - Exercise and your brain

9/22/2014 - Brains grow and shrink like ‘rainbows’ as we age

by on September 22, 2014 4:31 pm
Researchers have used a new magnetic resonance imaging technique to show, for the first time, how human brain tissue changes throughout life. They say a normal curve is shaped like a rainbow. Read the full article at Futurity.

9/10/2014 - Stanford scientists map white matter connections within the human brain

by on September 10, 2014 4:51 pm
Roughly 100 trillion connections between neurons make it possible for the brain to function. Psychology Professor Brian Wandell’s group has devised a technique for mapping these connections with greater accuracy than ever before. Brain Wandell is a faculty affiliate of the Stanford Center on Longevity. Read the full article at Stanford Report.

7/31/2014 - Around The World, Schizophrenia Isn't Always Seen As Debilitating

by on July 31, 2014 6:11 pm
This difference in the perception of schizophrenia is the focus of Luhrmann’s most recent study, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry. Luhrmann analyzed how the cultural perception of the mental condition affects patient outcomes in three different communities around the world: Accra, Ghana; Chennai, India; and San Mateo, California. She studied 12 women and… Read more 7/31/2014 - Around The World, Schizophrenia Isn't Always Seen As Debilitating

7/31/2014 - Stanford’s dean of Earth Sciences named to newly established Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research

by on July 31, 2014 6:08 pm
Pamela Matson, dean of the Stanford School of Earth Sciences, has been appointed to the board of the new Foundation for Food and Agriculture Research, created by the U.S. Department of Agriculture to increase the scientific and technological research, innovation and partnerships critical to boosting America’s agricultural economy. Read the full article at The Dish.

7/28/2014 - The U.S. suffers from lifespan inequality gap, Stanford researcher says

by on July 28, 2014 3:13 pm
Stanford researcher Shripad Tuljapurkar found that a lifespan inequality gap continues in countries like the United States even while life expectancy is increasing. One reason is that America’s mortality rate among young males is not getting better. Better access to health care would improve the situation. Read the full article at Stanford News.

6/30/2014 - Language can help the elderly cope with the challenges of aging

by on June 30, 2014 3:23 pm
By examining conversations of elderly Japanese women, linguist and Center on Longevity faculty affiliate Yoshiko Matsumoto uncovers language techniques that help people move past traumatic events and regain a sense of normalcy. Read the full article at Stanford Report.