Category: Financial Landing 2014
7/22/2014 - More Women Than Men Losing Out On Retirement Money (FinancialAdvisor)
by mbeals on July 24, 2014 4:33 pm
Women come up short in contributing to employer-sponsored retirement plans compared to men, according to the TIAA-CREF survey Perfect Match released Tuesday. Read the full article at Financial Advisor.
7/22/2014 - Average worker needs to save 15% to fund retirement (BenefitsPro)
by mbeals on July 24, 2014 4:32 pm
A typical household needs to save roughly 15 percent of their income annually to sustain their lifestyle into retirement, according to a brief from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. Read the full article at BenefitsPro.
7/18/2014 - Bull market sends 401(k)s soaring to record highs (USA Today)
by mbeals on July 21, 2014 6:50 pm
The bull market has sent 401(k) retirement plan balances soaring to record highs, according to an analysis by Fidelity Investments released today. Read the full article at USA Today.
7/16/2014 - Top 3 Retirement Issues Not About Money (FinancialAdvisor)
by mbeals on July 17, 2014 10:20 pm
Although finances are often a focus during retirement years, only 5 percent say being financially secure is the key to keeping a positive outlook on life, the survey says. The top three factors contributing to a positive outlook are faith or spirituality (25 percent), a loving family (15 percent) and keeping a positive attitude (14… Read more 7/16/2014 - Top 3 Retirement Issues Not About Money (FinancialAdvisor)
7/16/2014 - Yes, there is a retirement savings shortfall (MarketWatch)
by mbeals on July 17, 2014 10:19 pm
In an article in National Affairs, Andrew Biggs, of the American Enterprise Institute and Sylvester Schieber, an independent pension consultant and former chairman of the Social Security Advisory Board, question whether we are, in fact, facing a pensions crisis. Read the full article at MarketWatch.
7/14/2014 - 5 Money Worries Every Boomer Woman Understands (DailyFinance)
by mbeals on July 17, 2014 10:18 pm
As a financial adviser, I hear firsthand what boomer women worry about. Of course, all women are not alike: We have unique lifestyles, careers and aspirations. Still, getting older seems to yield surprisingly similar financial worry-lists for us. Here is a list of the top five fears that my clients bring me, and some ideas… Read more 7/14/2014 - 5 Money Worries Every Boomer Woman Understands (DailyFinance)
7/13/2014 - Many workers put off retirement, take 'encore' jobs (San Jose Mercury News)
by mbeals on July 14, 2014 9:51 pm
After Fred Wallace was laid off from a high-paying job in 2011, the 56-year-old knew the odds of landing a comparable position were slim. Wallace is among millions of older Americans launching professional second acts revolving around some form of public service. In the aftermath of the Great Recession, encore careers have caught on among… Read more 7/13/2014 - Many workers put off retirement, take 'encore' jobs (San Jose Mercury News)
7/12/2014 - Retirement worry spans the globe (The Economist)
by mbeals on July 14, 2014 9:49 pm
Worrying about retirement income is a global phenomenon, not just an American one. The Economist takes a look at the worldwide effort to provide products aimed at greater retirement security, noting that all involve trade-offs. Read the full article at The Economist.
7/10/2014 - Worrying, but failing to save for retirement (BenefitsPro)
by mbeals on July 11, 2014 9:15 pm
It’s no wonder Americans are stressed. Almost three-quarters of the working population (74 percent) is losing sleep over worries that they may not be able to afford to retire. Read the full article at BenefitsPro.
7/9/2014 - 7 market myths that make investors poorer (MarketWatch)
by mbeals on July 10, 2014 5:14 pm
Financial markets are complex dynamic systems, populated by irrational and biased participants. Because of this, we have a tendency not only to misunderstand how the financial markets function, but we tend to buy into myths that often harm our financial well-being. Read the full article at Market Watch.