Category: Financial Landing 2014

5/20/2014 - How much are public-sector pensions shrinking? Often, a lot (Reuters)

by on May 22, 2014 4:54 pm
You’d have to be living in a cave not to have heard that many states are bailing out struggling pension plans by cutting benefits. But how will that affect workers in those states? Researchers who have been sorting through the cuts say the picture isn’t pretty. Read the full article at Reuters.

5/20/2014 - Retirement: Many do-it-yourself investors not engaged (USA Today)

by on May 22, 2014 4:52 pm
The majority of people are do-it-yourself investors when it comes to managing their retirement savings, according to a large study, out Tuesday. Read the full article at USA Today.

5/16/2014 - Moshe Milevsky on Tontines (Wade Pfau's Retirement Researcher Blog)

by on May 21, 2014 4:22 pm
I’m writing from a great conference at the Stanford Center on Longevity put together by Steve Vernon and William Sharpe. As always, Moshe Milevsky provided a great and thought provoking presentation. It’s about tontines and their similarities and differences with traditional income annuities (single-premium immediate annuities). I must add that this is my interpretation of… Read more 5/16/2014 - Moshe Milevsky on Tontines (Wade Pfau's Retirement Researcher Blog)

5/13/2014 - Why many retired women live in poverty (CNN Money)

by on May 14, 2014 6:12 pm
Gender inequality doesn’t end at the workplace. For many women, the gender gap haunts them well into their retirement years, when far more women find themselves living in poverty. Read the full article at CNN Money.

5/10/2014 - 3 Generations Face the Retirement Crisis in America (Wall St. Cheat Sheet)

by on May 14, 2014 6:09 pm
The retirement crisis in America is not contained to any one generation. Across the country, people of all ages are struggling with stagnant wages, rising living expenses, and an overall sluggish economy. Some are closer to their golden years than others, but one thing is clear: There are three unique generations with very different retirements… Read more 5/10/2014 - 3 Generations Face the Retirement Crisis in America (Wall St. Cheat Sheet)

5/8/2014 - For millennials, retirement beats home ownership (CNBC)

by on May 8, 2014 6:28 pm
When we think of financial security, the prospect of a home of one’s own is often top of mind. But for millennials, not so much. In a new survey of American adults commissioned by the National Endowment for Financial Education, half the respondents said retirement savings were their top financial goal, and just 13 percent… Read more 5/8/2014 - For millennials, retirement beats home ownership (CNBC)

5/7/2014 - The Postrecession Financial Literacy of Americans Is Still Pitiful (National Journal)

by on May 8, 2014 6:27 pm
The financial know-how of most Americans stinks, roughly five years after the global financial recession officially ended. The majority of people still can’t correctly answer five basic questions about interest rates, mortgages, bonds, inflation, and risk-taking. The financial crisis may have prompted discussions about the need to promote financial literacy, but just 14 percent of… Read more 5/7/2014 - The Postrecession Financial Literacy of Americans Is Still Pitiful (National Journal)

5/6/2014 - Most retirees fail to have an income plan (MarketWatch)

by on May 8, 2014 6:24 pm
Fifty-two percent of retirees surveyed said they’re pulling money out of their retirement accounts simply “as the need arises,” according to the telephone survey of 1,206 adults aged 35 to 75, conducted for PNC, a financial-services firm. Read the full article at MarketWatch.

5/3/2013 - Major retirement savings mistakes - by millenials (MarketWatch)

by on May 5, 2014 6:47 pm
When it comes to saving and investing for retirement, wisdom is wasted on the aged. It’s the young who need some help. Unfortunately 401(k) plan participants in their 20s and 30s are making a number of mistakes with their savings and investments — and what seem like small mistakes when you’re young can have big… Read more 5/3/2013 - Major retirement savings mistakes - by millenials (MarketWatch)

5/3/2014 - A Path to Retirement, for Those Far From It (The New York Times)

by on May 5, 2014 6:43 pm
There is a big retirement problem in America, maybe even a crisis. Many working people won’t have enough money to leave their jobs and live in comfort and security. How many are in jeopardy is debatable, but the problem’s existence is not. What’s to be done about it? Strengthen Social Security, certainly. Make it easier… Read more 5/3/2014 - A Path to Retirement, for Those Far From It (The New York Times)