Category: Financial Landing 2014

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12/05/2014 - Pizza Orders Reveal Credit Card Scheme, and a Secondhand Market (The New York Times)

by on December 8, 2014 5:16 pm
One of the many kinds of identity theft is the black-market sale of stolen credit card numbers. No card is necessary: just the number and the three-digit security code that goes with it. A thief buys a list of those numbers. The next step is to see which ones have not been canceled. Read the… Read more 12/05/2014 - Pizza Orders Reveal Credit Card Scheme, and a Secondhand Market (The New York Times)
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12/4/2014 - Financial Elder Abuse a Growing - But Preventable - Problem (New America Media)

by on December 5, 2014 8:09 pm
While the term “abuse” may conjure up visions of physical injury or neglect, the most common form of elder abuse is financial exploitation, according to Naomi Karp, a senior policy analyst for the U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau’s Office for Older Americans. Read the full article at New America Media.
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12/4/2014 - The 401(k) Killed Off Pensions (Bloomberg)

by on December 5, 2014 12:24 am
“There was absolutely no discussion in ’78 that if you do this, the world is going to change,” recalls Carter-era Treasury official Daniel Halperin of the 869-word provision in the tax code that created a $4.4 trillion pool of retirement savings. According to the Investment Company Institute, 18 percent of all retirement assets are held in… Read more 12/4/2014 - The 401(k) Killed Off Pensions (Bloomberg)
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12/3/2014 - Do state and local pensions need federal regulation? (MarketWatch)

by on December 4, 2014 5:16 pm
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) has clarified that its financial reporting standards do not constitute funding policy guidance, leaving a vacuum when it comes to public pension funding policies. But it is not clear that federal legislation could actually include funding requirements. Originally, governmental plans were included along with private plans in the legislative proposals… Read more 12/3/2014 - Do state and local pensions need federal regulation? (MarketWatch)
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12/3/2014 - What's your retirement IQ? For most, it's lousy (USA Today)

by on December 4, 2014 5:03 pm
In survey after survey, Americans have not scored well on retirement literacy tests. But a new survey of Americans ages 60 to 75 says 80% failed a retirement income literacy test. The results of the poll, released today by the American College of Financial Services in Bryn Mawr, Pa., are pretty dismal. The poll was… Read more 12/3/2014 - What's your retirement IQ? For most, it's lousy (USA Today)
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12/1/2014 - What it takes to pay off $80,000 in debt (in three years) (The Washington Post)

by on December 1, 2014 5:11 pm
When Austin Netzley graduated from college in 2008, finding out how much he had in debt — more than $80,000 between his student loans and car loans — made him sick to his stomach. Still, Netzley managed to become debt free within three years, freeing up more time and money to help him launch an… Read more 12/1/2014 - What it takes to pay off $80,000 in debt (in three years) (The Washington Post)
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11/30/2014 - Retirement is a struggle for gays and lesbians; bias can be financially costly (The Washington Post)

by on December 1, 2014 5:05 pm
For Kathy Murphy, the difference between being gay or straight is $583 a month. Retirement should have been a “slam dunk,” the 62-year-old Texas widow says. She saved and bought a house with her spouse, and she has a pension through her employer. But Murphy’s golden years have not been as secure as they should… Read more 11/30/2014 - Retirement is a struggle for gays and lesbians; bias can be financially costly (The Washington Post)
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11/28/2014 - Time to think about saving for retirement again (Marketplace)

by on December 1, 2014 5:01 pm
The end of November doesn’t just mean holiday shopping and leftover turkey. For people lucky enough to have jobs with benefits, it also means the end of open enrollment– time for choices about health insurance, flexible-spending accounts, and how much they plan to invest for retirement in the coming year. Let’s skip to the hard part:… Read more 11/28/2014 - Time to think about saving for retirement again (Marketplace)
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11/26/2014 - How the Grinch saved your Retirement (MarketWatch)

by on November 26, 2014 6:12 pm
Is Christmas a season of giving, or is it a season of feeling? If you engage in emotional shopping such as surprising everyone with an expensive vacation, purchasing a new vehicle, gifting large amounts of cash to family members or children, then you are obviously treating Christmas as a sentiment. Sentiments are noble and the… Read more 11/26/2014 - How the Grinch saved your Retirement (MarketWatch)
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11/24/14 - Roth 401(k)s and Millennials (BenefitsPro)

by on November 26, 2014 6:08 pm
The Roth 401(k) concept is outstanding – it provides an excellent way to build long-term wealth and may provide outstanding tax benefits for those positioned to make the most of its advantages. The problem is that very few plan participants use it, let alone understand it. We also have a savings deficit for millennial employees. As a group, millennials… Read more 11/24/14 - Roth 401(k)s and Millennials (BenefitsPro)