Category: Financial Landing 2014
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4/3/2014 - Aging Workforce Requires New Strategies for Employee Retention, MU Researcher Says (U. of Missouri)
by mbeals on April 4, 2014 7:19 pm
“Employers need to ask if their organizations are designed to promote turnover or promote retention,” Curl said. “States should recognize the benefits of promoting retention. Using delayed retirement incentives to encourage retention is important, particularly when dealing with older employees.” Read the full article at the University of Missouri News Bureau.
4/1/2014 - Never Too Late: More Older Adults Sold On Entrepreneurship (NPR)
by mbeals on April 3, 2014 3:25 pm
Increasingly, older adults are continuing to work and some have decided to work for themselves. In 2012, nearly a quarter of all new businesses were started by people between the ages of 55 and 64. Read the full article at NPR.
3/31/2014 - Guess how much you need to save for health care in retirement? Wrong. It’s much more. (Washington Post)
by mbeals on April 3, 2014 3:23 pm
Studies show that we all think we’re eating fewer calories than we really are, burning more calories during exercise than we really do, and, overall, are in better health than we actually are. This little self-delusion doesn’t go away as we get older, according to the folks at Fidelity Investments, who recently released new data… Read more 3/31/2014 - Guess how much you need to save for health care in retirement? Wrong. It’s much more. (Washington Post)
3/30/2014 - Older and Out of Work, but Not Out of Contention (New York Times)
by borges on March 31, 2014 11:26 pm
On Thursday, the 10 graduates celebrated over spoonfuls of yellow cake with chocolate icing. They hugged, cheered and promised to stay connected, fortifying themselves for the rough road ahead. This was no ordinary graduation: The youngest to receive a certificate was 50. The oldest was 74. They had college degrees, decades of experience and had… Read more 3/30/2014 - Older and Out of Work, but Not Out of Contention (New York Times)
3/28/2014 - Biggest boomer retirement regrets (BenefitsPro)
by borges on March 31, 2014 11:25 pm
The last of the baby boomer generation will be turning 50 this year, and it’s time for them to get a fix on how they are going to prepare for retirement. Fortunately, there are valuable lessons, financial and otherwise, to be learned from those who have already reached their later years. Read the full article… Read more 3/28/2014 - Biggest boomer retirement regrets (BenefitsPro)
3/27/2014 - 7 Reasons to Prioritize Retirement Over Your Child's Education (U.S. News & World Report)
by mbeals on March 28, 2014 7:17 pm
There are a variety of ways to pay for college, but no ways to get around saving for retirement. Read the full article at U.S. News & World Report.
3/27/2014 - Latinos Live Longer But Struggle To Save Enough For Retirement (NPR)
by mbeals on March 28, 2014 7:15 pm
Many American workers find themselves financially unprepared for retirement. Among racial and ethnic groups, Latinos are the least prepared. Read the full article at NPR.
3/24/2014 - Feeling ill-effects of private long-term care insurance (LA Times)
by mbeals on March 27, 2014 3:11 pm
Critics of safety-net programs such as Social Security and Medicare are fond of saying that the private sector would do a much better job of protecting people thanks to the magic of the marketplace. Mike and Judy Holtzman of Laguna Woods are now experiencing the magic of the marketplace for long-term care insurance. And it… Read more 3/24/2014 - Feeling ill-effects of private long-term care insurance (LA Times)
3/21/2014 - Coping When Not Entering Retirement Together (New York Times)
by borges on March 24, 2014 5:42 pm
FOR Daniel Ryan, turning 40 and 50 came and went. But sometime around his 61st birthday last July, he said he had an “old man crisis.” He did some simple math, and quickly concluded that living another 20 years would be considered a “full life.” Even if he remained healthy for another 15 years, he… Read more 3/21/2014 - Coping When Not Entering Retirement Together (New York Times)
3/21/2014 - Expectation of increased retirement age could be slowing (BenefitsPro)
by borges on March 24, 2014 5:41 pm
The age at which workers expect to retire has slowly risen over time, but that trend could be slowing, according to a report by the Employee Benefit Research Institute. Since 2009, 20 to 25 percent of workers reported that the age at which they expect to retire increased in the last year. According to the… Read more 3/21/2014 - Expectation of increased retirement age could be slowing (BenefitsPro)