Category: Financial Landing 2014

3/07/2014 - The case for never retiring (MarketWatch)

by on March 10, 2014 7:25 pm
Most of the news lately has centered around people who want to retire, but can’t. From student loan debt-burdened millennials to laid-off older workers, many people who’d like to (at least someday) stop working don’t think they’ll be able to. But there’s a counterargument to be made: Could it be better to never retire at… Read more 3/07/2014 - The case for never retiring (MarketWatch)

3/07/2014 - Shift from DB to DC plans has hurt single women most (BenefitsPro)

by on March 10, 2014 7:24 pm
The shift away from defined benefit pension plans to defined contribution plans has affected the types of retirement benefits available to most households, but has negatively impacted women the most, particularly those who are not married, according to a report by the Government Accountability Office. Since the 1960s, the percentage of unmarried, single-parent families has… Read more 3/07/2014 - Shift from DB to DC plans has hurt single women most (BenefitsPro)

3/05/14 - Another Way to Do the Math for Social Security Reform (New York Times)

by on March 7, 2014 7:54 pm
Social Security is a hot button political issue, but there is actually more agreement on the matter than might meet the eye. Consider a potential Social Security reform that increases benefits for low income retirees and raises taxes on workers with relatively high incomes. This sounds a lot like what Democratic members of Congress might… Read more 3/05/14 - Another Way to Do the Math for Social Security Reform (New York Times)

3/5/2014 - Sunbelt States Rank Low On Retirement Financial Security (Forbes)

by on March 7, 2014 12:48 am
Retirement in a warm locale sure sounds appealing, particularly given the brutal winter that much of the country has suffered through. But frigid Wyoming, Alaska, Minnesota and North Dakota come out on top in a new academic study of the state of retirement financial security in the states. Meanwhile, retirement meccas Florida and South Carolina… Read more 3/5/2014 - Sunbelt States Rank Low On Retirement Financial Security (Forbes)

3/5/2014 - Knowledge is power when it comes to retirement planning, Stanford researcher shows (Stanford Report)

by on March 6, 2014 4:08 pm
A Stanford economics scholar found that people increase their savings when they use retirement income projections and have access to detailed information about the benefits of saving now for use later. When such information is absent, people save less. Read the full article at the Stanford Report.

3/4/2014 - Are women financially conservative or just economically realistic? (InvestmentNews)

by on March 6, 2014 4:07 pm
Women are more conservative with their finances than men and slightly less confident, according to a survey by BlackRock Inc. More than half of women surveyed globally say that they are not willing to take any risks with money, and just 21% are willing to invest in stocks. According to the survey, men are much… Read more 3/4/2014 - Are women financially conservative or just economically realistic? (InvestmentNews)

3/2/2014 - Why aging is scary for economies (USA Today)

by on March 4, 2014 5:54 pm
giant panorama of a Chinese factory, taken in 2005 by Canadian photographer Edward Burtynsky, hangs in my dining room. Thousands of young workers fill an endless factory floor. Guests to my house stare at it, awestruck. It captures what is perhaps one of the scariest features of the Chinese economy: its ability to mobilize a… Read more 3/2/2014 - Why aging is scary for economies (USA Today)

2/28/2013 - Save for Retirement First, the Children's Education Second (New York Times)

by on March 4, 2014 5:53 pm
A HALF-DOZEN years ago, Brian Appelbaum’s savings plan was focused mainly on his own retirement. But now he is married and the father of two young children. So Mr. Appelbaum, 53, has reassessed his outlook, as he and his wife try to save money for their retirement as well as for their children’s education. The… Read more 2/28/2013 - Save for Retirement First, the Children's Education Second (New York Times)

2/27/2014 - Boomer workers get by with help from their friends (MarketWatch)

by on February 27, 2014 7:58 pm
Boomer job seekers face age bias and other barriers when looking for work, but they do have one thing going for them: their connections. Read the full article at MarketWatch.

2/26/2014 - All is not ‘fine’ with pension coverage (MarketWatch)

by on February 27, 2014 5:18 pm
It is not clear quite why it’s happening, but op-eds, articles, and conferences are out to show that the employer-sponsored pension system is fine.  I suspect that the financial services industry is worried about changes in the favorable tax provisions awarded retirement saving, and have launched a coordinated campaign to show that the private sector… Read more 2/26/2014 - All is not ‘fine’ with pension coverage (MarketWatch)