Category: Financial Landing 2014
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11/4/2014 - The Best Financial Strategies for 20-Somethings (U.S. News & World Report)
by djaworski on November 6, 2014 4:50 pm
Millennials are growing up: The oldest of the cohort are approaching their mid-30s, which often coincides with more adult financial responsibilities, including mortgage payments and family-related costs. They have more grown-up challenges, too, like paying off debt and saving for retirement and future college tuition payments for children. The good news is that the financial services industry… Read more 11/4/2014 - The Best Financial Strategies for 20-Somethings (U.S. News & World Report)
11/3/2014 - When is Social Security Taxable? (Nasdaq)
by djaworski on November 3, 2014 7:35 pm
In 2014, more than 59 million Americans will receive a total of over $860 billion in Social Security benefits. Given that Social Security taxes on their wage and salary income have gone toward funding the program, many recipients never even think about the possibility that lawmakers might have made Social Security taxable. Yet for an… Read more 11/3/2014 - When is Social Security Taxable? (Nasdaq)
11/1/2014 - For Some, Retirement Brings Grief (The Wall Street Journal)
by djaworski on November 3, 2014 4:49 pm
For some retirees and their jobs, breaking up can be hard to do. After decades of punching a clock, most retirees look forward to slowing down, having more time for interests and activities that had been squeezed into a few hours at night or on weekends. But not everyone makes that transition easily. For some,… Read more 11/1/2014 - For Some, Retirement Brings Grief (The Wall Street Journal)
10/31/2014 - On the Trail of Lost Money (The New York Times)
by djaworski on November 3, 2014 4:43 pm
There are tens of billions of dollars sitting in the unclaimed property funds that states run, just waiting to be taken back by rightful owners who have lost track of various stock dividends, tax refunds, bank accounts and the like. Orphaned 401(k) balances are a big enough problem that the Department of Labor commissioned a report from experts in… Read more 10/31/2014 - On the Trail of Lost Money (The New York Times)
10/29/2014 - The Five Scariest Retirement Planning Pitfalls (Forbes)
by mbeals on October 30, 2014 6:53 pm
Okay, it’s pit and the pendulum time. A big, nasty financial blade is swinging over you if fail to do some easy things to save for your golden years. Fortunately, you needn’t fall into the pit of regret. Every one of the items I note is easily surmounted. Read the full article at Forbes.
10/28/2014 - 7 Surprise Retirement Expenses (U.S. News & World Report)
by mbeals on October 30, 2014 6:50 pm
What’s the scariest thing about retirement? The things we don’t know. There are bound to be some surprises in retirement. But here are seven retirement unknowns that you can prepare for in advance. Read the full article at U.S. News & World Report.
10/27/2014 - Living Your True Wealth (NY Times)
by mbeals on October 30, 2014 6:49 pm
If this question immediately makes you uncomfortable, you’re not alone. Recently, I tried an experiment. I just started asking people how much they make or how much they’re worth. Not surprisingly, the responses were similar. We’re not comfortable talking about money. We’ve been taught that it’s rude. Even more important, we may be afraid of… Read more 10/27/2014 - Living Your True Wealth (NY Times)
10/27/2014 - Phone scams sweep Bay Area, aided by prepaid debit cards (SF Gate)
by mbeals on October 30, 2014 6:47 pm
Ernie Cervantes answered the phone at his doggy day care in San Francisco’s Marina district and was given alarming news: PG&E was about to cut power to the Grateful Dog over unpaid bills. Read the full article at the SF Gate.
10/27/14 - Half of Americans aren't in a retirement plan (CBS Money Watch)
by djaworski on October 27, 2014 3:33 pm
Just 53 percent of American workers participate in any type of retirement plan at work, according to recent information from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Breaking this big stat down further shows that part-time and low-income workers as well as employees of small establishments are the most vulnerable for not having a plan. The low participation… Read more 10/27/14 - Half of Americans aren't in a retirement plan (CBS Money Watch)
10/25/14 - Combating a Flood of Early 401(k) Withdrawals (The New York Times)
by djaworski on October 27, 2014 3:27 pm
This week, the Internal Revenue Service announced that people under age 50 in 401(k) and similar workplace retirement plans will be able to deposit up to $18,000 in 2015, an increase of $500 from this year. Those 50 and over can toss in as much as $24,000, a $1,000 increase. Over a quarter of households… Read more 10/25/14 - Combating a Flood of Early 401(k) Withdrawals (The New York Times)