Category: Financial Landing 2014

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10/24/14 - How Retirement was Invented (The Atlantic)

by on October 27, 2014 3:15 pm
In 1881 Otto von Bismarck, the conservative minister president of Prussia, presented a radical idea to the Reichstag: government-run financial support for older members of society. In other words, retirement. The idea was radical because back then, people simply did not retire.  It would take eight years, but by the end of the decade, the… Read more 10/24/14 - How Retirement was Invented (The Atlantic)
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10/23/2014 -IRS Announces 2015 Retirement Plan Contribution Limits For 401(k)s And More (Forbes)

by on October 23, 2014 10:24 pm
The Treasury Department has announced inflation-adjusted figures for retirement account savings for 2015, and this year there’s extra room for savings for wage and salary types and the self-employed. If you have a 401(k), a SEP-IRA, or a SIMPLE, pay attention and if you can swing it, bump up your contributions to the new max.… Read more 10/23/2014 -IRS Announces 2015 Retirement Plan Contribution Limits For 401(k)s And More (Forbes)
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10/22/214 - US seniors face student loan debt (BCC News)

by on October 23, 2014 4:23 pm
Around the world, student debt is a financial burden for millions – and in the US, a growing number of senior citizens are still repaying the cost of their education into retirement age. Read the full article at BBC News.
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10/21/2014 - Why 'Retirement' Is A Dirty And Dangerous Word (Huffington Post)

by on October 23, 2014 4:13 pm
Retirement has gone from being an expected right and privilege to a broken promise and a cruel joke. No use crying over spilled milk, but let’s stop talking about Retirement as if it’s going to happen — or at least as if it’s going to happen the way they told us it was going to… Read more 10/21/2014 - Why 'Retirement' Is A Dirty And Dangerous Word (Huffington Post)
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10/20/2014 - 5 Career Checkpoints on the Road to Retirement (U.S. News & World Report)

by on October 20, 2014 4:16 pm
It’s National Save for Retirement Week, so you’ll likely see a lot of information, tools and resources about saving for retirement through your workplace plan, like a 401(k) or 403(b). Although there are basic tips that apply to everyone, considering steps relevant to different stages of your career helps ensure your retirement readiness. According to… Read more 10/20/2014 - 5 Career Checkpoints on the Road to Retirement (U.S. News & World Report)
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10/19/2014 - Divorce after 50: It's complicated, especially if retirement is near (CNBC)

by on October 20, 2014 4:13 pm
Divorce rates for most age groups have leveled off, but for people age 50 and older, it’s higher than ever. Today 1 in 4 divorces is a couple over 50 untying the knot—about double what it was 20 years ago, according to the National Center for Family and Marriage at Bowling Green State University. At… Read more 10/19/2014 - Divorce after 50: It's complicated, especially if retirement is near (CNBC)
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10/17/2014 - When Planning for Retirement, Consider Transportation (The New York Times)

by on October 20, 2014 3:54 pm
According to the American Journal of Public Health, Americans are outliving their ability to drive safely — a woman, on average, by 10 years, a man by seven. Over all, the ability to drive safely as one ages depends on health. Some people can drive into their 90s while others begin to cut back at… Read more 10/17/2014 - When Planning for Retirement, Consider Transportation (The New York Times)
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10/15/2014 - How to find your passion after you retire (USA Today)

by on October 16, 2014 4:13 pm
Many people want to continue working well beyond the traditional retirement age, and to do that they’re finding new creative ways to stay employed in not just one new career, but two, three or more careers. Read the full article at USA Today.
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10/15/2014 - Seniors lose average of $30,000 to financial scammers (CNN Money)

by on October 16, 2014 4:12 pm
According to a recent survey of 2,000 seniors and other adults by Allianz Life Insurance Co., elderly victims reported losing an average of $30,000, while some suffered losses of more than $100,000. Read the full article at CNN Money.
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10/14/2014 - Why You Should Still Save When in Debt (U.S. News & World Report)

by on October 16, 2014 4:11 pm
The shackles of debt seem to be a bonding force for many millennials around the country, but it isn’t just Gen Y that is attempting to pay off lenders. Debt is a national problem spanning all generations. To many, it may feel nonsensical to save money while in debt, but it’s an important part of… Read more 10/14/2014 - Why You Should Still Save When in Debt (U.S. News & World Report)