Category: Financial Landing 2014

10/1/2014 - Millennials use 401(k) loans to buy homes (benefitspro)

by on October 6, 2014 6:50 pm
Almost 1 million Fidelity Investments 401(k) account holders took out a loan from their accounts in the past year, including a small yet troubling number of millennials who used the money to buy homes, the financial services giant said Wednesday. Read the full article at benefitspro.

9/30/2014 - The Retirement Crisis Is Real (Huffington Post)

by on October 1, 2014 11:27 pm
The retirement crisis is anything but imaginary. In a recent working paper, we find that only 44% of workers in the United States have access to a retirement plan at work. Except for workers with defined benefit plans, most middle class U.S. workers will not have adequate retirement income — 55% of near-retirees will only… Read more 9/30/2014 - The Retirement Crisis Is Real (Huffington Post)

9/27/2014 - More companies offer financial wellness programs (USA Today)

by on October 1, 2014 11:26 pm
Financially stressed-out workers aren’t good for businesses. Yes, employees who bring their money worries tend to be less productive and less engaged, and even raise employer health care costs. And so, it is with good reason that employers are now adding “financial wellness” program to their menu of employee benefits. Read the full article at… Read more 9/27/2014 - More companies offer financial wellness programs (USA Today)

9/24/2014 - Do you want to live beyond age 75? (MoneyWatch)

by on October 1, 2014 11:22 pm
Ezekiel Emanuel hopes to die at age 75. At least that’s the title of a controversial article he recently wrote for the Atlantic. Emanuel, the director of the Clinical Bioethics Department at the U.S. National Institutes of Health and head of the Department of Medical Ethics & Health Policy at the University of Pennsylvania, has… Read more 9/24/2014 - Do you want to live beyond age 75? (MoneyWatch)

9/24/2014 - Putting an end to elder financial abuse (InvestmentNews)

by on September 25, 2014 6:09 pm
In our ongoing dialogue with financial advisers, financial services firm executives and regulators across the country, one theme my colleagues and I at the Financial Services Institute have heard loud and clear is a shared, profound concern over the continued prevalence of elder financial abuse. Read the full article at InvestmentNews.

9/24/2014 - Big retirement fear: Outliving your savings (USA Today)

by on September 25, 2014 6:08 pm
Almost half (46%) of investors in this country are worried they will outlive their savings in retirement, a new survey shows. Read the full article at USA Today.

9/23/2014 - Why 80 percent of women take Social Security too early (MoneyWatch)

by on September 25, 2014 6:07 pm
The longer you wait to take your Social Security benefits at your full retirement age, the more money you’ll get every month. Those benefits make up 40 percent of all post-retirement personal income, according to the Nationwide Retirement Institute. Yet only 15 percent of us elect to wait to full retirement age to take benefits,… Read more 9/23/2014 - Why 80 percent of women take Social Security too early (MoneyWatch)

9/21/2014 - Many seniors trying to retire with a mortgage (LA Times)

by on September 22, 2014 6:21 pm
More and more older homeowners are carrying mortgage debt, a burden that threatens to delay their retirement and curtail spending among the massive baby boomer population. Read the full article at the Los Angeles Times.

9/20/2014 - Five ways to have a richer, fuller retirement (USA Today)

by on September 22, 2014 6:19 pm
With a little effort, retirement could be a lot better for a large number of people, says certified financial planner Marc Freedman, the author of the new book Retiring for the Genius and CEO of Freedman Financial in Peabody, Mass. What some retirees need to do is rethink their approach and create a new blueprint,… Read more 9/20/2014 - Five ways to have a richer, fuller retirement (USA Today)

9/19/2014 -Employer-offered financial literacy could provide boon in employee productivity (Employee Benefits News)

by on September 22, 2014 6:17 pm
Offering financial education can provide a big boost to employee productivity, allowing employees to solve financial dilemmas and refocus on work. Read the full article at Employee Benefits News.