Category: Financial Landing 2014
9/18/2014 - The Elderly Are No Longer More Likely to Be Poor (Bloomberg)
by mbeals on September 18, 2014 9:59 pm
Poverty has been associated with old age for centuries: To be old also often meant to be destitute. The latest Census report reveals that’s not quite true any more. People older than age 65 are less likely to be poor than people in their prime working years. Read the full article at Bloomberg.
9/17/2014 - How the pay gap leads to the retirement savings gap (Washington Post)
by mbeals on September 18, 2014 6:13 pm
The pay gap between men and women narrowed last year, but not by much. The pay difference has an impact beyond the workplace. Financial advisers and analysts say the gap is one of the main reasons women are drastically behind men when it comes to retirement savings. Read the full article at the Washington Post.
9/15/2014 - How your home can pay for your retirement (MarketWatch)
by mbeals on September 18, 2014 6:12 pm
The ebook – “Using Your House for Income in Retirement” – comes from the Center for Retirement Research at Boston College. The authors note that growing numbers of retirees “will need to use their house to boost their income” and focus on two ways to do that: downsizing to a less-expensive home and taking out… Read more 9/15/2014 - How your home can pay for your retirement (MarketWatch)
9/13/2014 - Paying off today’s debts boosts your retirement tomorrow (Washington Post)
by mbeals on September 15, 2014 8:12 pm
I read a new report from the Government Accountability Office about the increase in the number of older Americans who drag student-loan debt into their senior years. Although the percentage of seniors with student loans is low, I’m still troubled by the growth of debt among this group. Read the full article at the Washington… Read more 9/13/2014 - Paying off today’s debts boosts your retirement tomorrow (Washington Post)
9/12/2014 - Top retirement financial concern: Health care bills (USA Today)
by mbeals on September 15, 2014 5:37 pm
People over 50 say their top retirement financial worry is health care costs, a survey, out Friday, shows. Read the full article at USA Today.
9/10/2014 - In retirement savings, the poor get poorer (MarketWatch)
by mbeals on September 11, 2014 5:52 pm
When it comes to Americans’ retirement account balances, happy days are here again—but only for some. Average retirement-account balances have actually shrunk for people at the higher and lower ends of the income scale, while the percentage of Americans who have retirement accounts continued a recent decline. Read the full article at MarketWatch.
9/8/2014 - How working in retirement impacts Social Security (MarketWatch)
by mbeals on September 11, 2014 5:51 pm
Increasingly retirees are shunning traditional retirement and instead are exploring a return to work. So how does this trend affect one’s Social Security benefits? Read the full article at MarketWatch.
9/6/2014 - Despite Curve Balls, Most Retirees Manage (WSJ)
by mbeals on September 11, 2014 5:49 pm
Indeed, many people head into retirement with little money and little planning. And life has a way of throwing financial or health-related curve balls even when we have planned ahead or think everything is under control. But the reality is that most people simply find a way to adjust. Read the full article at the… Read more 9/6/2014 - Despite Curve Balls, Most Retirees Manage (WSJ)
9/5/2014 - Nearly a quarter of Fortune 500 companies still offer pensions to new hires (Washington Post)
by mbeals on September 8, 2014 5:14 pm
About one in four large employers still offer some sort of pension to new hires, according to a study released Thursday. Read the full article at the Washington Post.
9/5/2014 - Financial Schemes Against the Elderly Are Increasing (NY Times)
by mbeals on September 8, 2014 5:13 pm
Financial crimes against elders are taking a toll on lives and pocketbooks. And trusted caregivers — the friends and relatives who offer support and guidance — are often the ones at fault, according to legal and financial specialists. Read the full article at the New York Times.