Category: Brain Training

10/22/2014 - Brain-Training Companies Get Advice From Some Academics, Criticism From Others

by on October 22, 2014 10:06 pm
Your brain is a tree. Or, perhaps more fittingly, a bank account. With metaphors like those, brain-game companies entice people to buy subscriptions to their online training programs, many of which promise to increase customers’ “neuroplasticity,” “fluid intelligence,” and working memory capacity. They even claim to help stave off the effects of aging. Leading scientists have criticized… Read more 10/22/2014 - Brain-Training Companies Get Advice From Some Academics, Criticism From Others

10/20/2014 - Stanford brain experts, others, say brain game benefits are exaggerated

by on October 21, 2014 3:44 pm
“It is customary for advertising to highlight the benefits and overstate potential advantages of their products,” said Laura Carstensen, a Stanford psychology professor and the director of the Center for Longevity, in a press release.”But in the case of brain games, companies also assert that the products are based on solid scientific evidence developed by… Read more 10/20/2014 - Stanford brain experts, others, say brain game benefits are exaggerated

10/20/2014 - Scientific evidence does not support the brain game claims, Stanford scholars say

by on October 20, 2014 2:30 pm
Sixty-nine scientists at Stanford University and other institutions issued a statement that the scientific track record does not support the claims that so-called “brain games” actually help older adults boost their mental powers. Read the full article at Stanford Report.