Category: Affiliate News 2015

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4/10/2015 - Brain training games: No proof they prevent cognitive decline

by on April 10, 2015 6:22 pm
Boosting your brain is a booming business, but scientists aren’t sold. Read the full article at CBC News.
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4/2/2015 - Emotional fit important between a patient's desired feelings and physician

by on April 2, 2015 6:14 pm
Stanford psychologists, including Center on Longevity faculty affiliate Jeanne Tsai, offer new evidence on why people prefer certain physicians over others, and how emotion plays a role in shaping patient health behavior. Read the full article at Stanford Report.
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3/25/2015 - Stanford research: People from different cultures express sympathy differently

by on March 26, 2015 6:44 pm
Stanford psychologist and Center on Longevity faculty affiliate Jeanne Tsai found that Americans tend to focus on the positive in expressions of sympathy while Germans focus on the negative. The research showed that how much people wanted to avoid negative emotion influenced their expressions of sympathy more than how negative they actually felt. Read the… Read more 3/25/2015 - Stanford research: People from different cultures express sympathy differently
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3/23/2015 - Global collaboration leads to discovery of insulin-resistance mutation

by on March 23, 2015 3:43 pm
An international team led by Stanford researchers  has discovered a gene associated with insulin resistance, a condition in which the body doesn’t use insulin properly. Read the full article at Stanford Medicine.

3/5/2015 - How to improve dying in America

by on March 5, 2015 4:39 pm
By many measures, how people die in America has plenty of room for improvement, whether it’s boosting quality of life at the end for the individuals and their families, reducing costs or even extending life. That was a panel’s consensus after an address at Stanford University earlier this week by Dr. Atul Gawande, a surgeon… Read more 3/5/2015 - How to improve dying in America
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2/27/2015 - In Short-Lived Fish, Secrets to Aging

by on February 27, 2015 5:36 pm
Researchers are finding that the tiny turquoise killifish ages much as we do, only at a much faster pace. “It’s a compressed life span,” said Itamar Harel, a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford University. Dr. Harel and his colleagues — including Center on Longevity faculty affiliate Anne Brunet — recently developed a set of tools to… Read more 2/27/2015 - In Short-Lived Fish, Secrets to Aging

2/20/2015 - Are Women at Greater Risk for Alzheimer’s?

by on February 20, 2015 10:39 pm
Of the 5.2 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s, nearly two-thirds are women. When it comes to adults over the age of 65, one in six women are likely to develop Alzheimer’s in contrast to one in 11 men. Why do females seem more susceptible to this disease? Read/hear the interview with Professor of Neurology and… Read more 2/20/2015 - Are Women at Greater Risk for Alzheimer’s?

2/12/2015 - Tiny fish makes big splash in aging research at Stanford

by on February 12, 2015 10:16 pm
Researchers disabled aging-associated genes in the short-lived African killifish, including one for an enzyme called telomerase, whose absence caused humanlike disease in the animal. Among the researchers are Center on Longevity faculty affiliates Anne Brunet and Steven Artandi, and former postdoctoral scholar Dario Riccardo Valenzano. Read the full article at Stanford Medicine.
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2/9/2015 - NBA commissioner visits Stanford for lesson in virtual reality

by on February 9, 2015 7:25 pm
By flying like Superman in Jeremy Bailenson’s Virtual Human Interaction Lab, NBA Commissioner Adam Silver was convinced that virtual reality could enhance the game for fans and players. Read the full article at Stanford Report.
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1/29/2015 - Japanese American Seniors Write Letters to the Future

by on January 29, 2015 5:05 pm
With a racial and age demographic shift on the horizon, Stanford University Medical School launched a mini-fellowship to educate the public on how they can serve ethnic minority seniors. The aging population is becoming a major issue for Americans, said VJ Periyakoil, MD, director of Stanford’s Internet-based In-reach for Successful Aging through Education Program (iSAGE),… Read more 1/29/2015 - Japanese American Seniors Write Letters to the Future