Category: Longevity News 2015
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12/26/2015 - Ageism, Attitude and Health
by admin on December 26, 2015 5:58 pm
Buying into old-age putdowns is bad for you. Here’s why. Older adults who are exposed to negative age stereotypes may experience increases in blood pressure and higher stress levels. Read the full article at U.S. News and World Report.
12/26/20015 - Are Your 20's Too Young To Plan For Retirement?
by admin on December 26, 2015 5:55 pm
There are a bunch of stereotypes out there that millennials consider themselves young and invincible. Modern millennials are making progress in dismantling that particular stereotype. It turns out that, when it comes to buying healthcare at least, today’s twenty-somethings are fairly risk-averse, preferring coverage with lower deductibles and higher premiums. But does that forward-thinking tendency… Read more 12/26/20015 - Are Your 20's Too Young To Plan For Retirement?
12/25/2015 - The Wisdom of the Aged
by admin on December 25, 2015 11:29 pm
For six New Yorkers age 85 and older, whose lives were followed throughout the year, old age is a mixture of happiness and sadness, with less time wasted on anger and worry. Read the full article at The New York Times.
12/22/2015 - As Aging Brain's Internal Clock Fades, A New Timekeeper May Kick In
by admin on December 22, 2015 5:47 pm
Ever notice the catnaps that older relatives take in the middle of the day? Or how grandparents tend to be early risers? You’re not alone. Colleen McClung did, too. A neuroscientist at the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, McClung wanted to know what was going on in the brain that changes people’s daily rhythms as… Read more 12/22/2015 - As Aging Brain's Internal Clock Fades, A New Timekeeper May Kick In
12/13/2015 - An Alzheimer's diagnosis doesn't have to mean an end to traveling
by admin on December 13, 2015 5:36 pm
Traveling with someone who has Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia is possible, but there are extra precautions to take, says Monica Moreno, the director of early-stage initiatives for the Alzheimer’s Association. The nonprofit regularly sends people with early stage Alzheimer’s to events across the country, and Moreno often travels with them. Read the full… Read more 12/13/2015 - An Alzheimer's diagnosis doesn't have to mean an end to traveling
12/12/2015 - The Diabetes Drug That Could Be an Anti-Aging Miracle
by admin on December 12, 2015 5:26 pm
Metformin, a generic diabetes pill, is the subject of a new study on its anti-aging properties. But pharmaceutical companies are in no rush to invest in a drug that alleviates the issues involved with aging—and eliminates the need for other profitable medicines. Read the full article at Newsweek.
12/7/2015 - Why going to the dentist is so hard for the elderly
by admin on December 8, 2015 12:23 am
Good dental hygiene is important to overall health, and chronic illnesses and medications can worsen oral health. Yet providing dental care to seniors is fraught with challenges. According to the American Dental Association, a fifth of people age 75 and older haven’t seen a dentist in the past five years. Many older patients are resistant… Read more 12/7/2015 - Why going to the dentist is so hard for the elderly
12/3/2015 - Forget Old Age, It’s Time to Live Long and (Really) Prosper
by admin on December 3, 2015 9:07 pm
Advances in health care have added years to our life. According to Laura Carstensen, the founding director of the Stanford Center on Longevity, it’s time we added life to our years. Read the full article at The Wall Street Journal.
12/3/2015 - When It Pays to File Early for Social Security
by admin on December 3, 2015 5:29 pm
Filing for social security while your benefit is still growing sometimes makes sense. In deciding when to take Social Security, later is almost always better than sooner, and for good reason. A team including Stanford researchers John Shoven (SCL Faculty Leader) and Gopi Shah Goda (SCL Faculty Advisor) published a paper in 2015 concluding that… Read more 12/3/2015 - When It Pays to File Early for Social Security
12/2/2015 - Grandkids Could Be One Reason Humans Live Long Lives
by admin on December 2, 2015 7:54 pm
It very well could be that sound, active grandparents earn their evolutionary keep by helping their descendants survive, researchers say. The older folks who stick around provide knowledge, food and nurturing that give their grandkids a boost in life. Read the full article at National Public Radio (NPR).