Category: Financial Security 2015

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11/1/2015 - Alzheimer’s Link Leads to More Financial Planning

by on November 1, 2015 5:32 pm
People whose families have a history of Alzheimer’s disease are much more likely to seek expert financial advice and are more likely to delay retirement, compared with people for whom Alzheimer’s isn’t an issue, says a forthcoming study from professors at the University of Utah. Read the full article at The Wall Street Journal.
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10/26/2015 - Costs for Dementia Care Far Exceeding Other Diseases, Study Finds

by on October 26, 2015 6:16 pm
Three diseases, leading killers of Americans, often involve long periods of decline before death. Two of them — heart disease and cancer — usually require expensive drugs, surgeries and hospitalizations. The third, dementia, has no effective treatments to slow its course. So when a group of researchers asked which of these diseases involved the greatest… Read more 10/26/2015 - Costs for Dementia Care Far Exceeding Other Diseases, Study Finds
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10/26/2015 - Baby Boomers Hugely Underestimate What They Need for Retirement

by on October 26, 2015 4:33 pm
A new survey from BlackRock on attitudes about money and financial goals found Americans are holding nearly twice as much cash as they think they ought to in order to reach their retirement goals. Fewer than a quarter of them regularly set aside money into long-term savings or investment plans—yet 74% said they feel financially… Read more 10/26/2015 - Baby Boomers Hugely Underestimate What They Need for Retirement
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10/21/2015 - Your grandchildren will save more for retirement than you

by on October 21, 2015 9:00 pm
Young adults in the U.S. may be getting the message that saving for retirement is on their shoulders — they’re starting to put aside money for retirement years earlier than previous generations. That’s the good news. But when it comes to retirement saving in the U.S., there’s still plenty to worry about, too. Read the… Read more 10/21/2015 - Your grandchildren will save more for retirement than you
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10/21/2015 - New grads may have to work until they're 75

by on October 21, 2015 5:55 pm
As if student-loan debt wasn’t enough of a burden for new college graduates. A new report predicts that young workers will need to work until they’re 75 on average to save enough for retirement. Read the full article at CNBC.
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10/20/2015 - Would You Let A Robot Manage Your Retirement Savings?

by on October 20, 2015 10:26 pm
Comfortable with technology and skeptical of Wall Street, a growing number of young investors have turned to low-fee automated financial advisers for help saving for retirement. Read the full article at National Public Radio (NPR).
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10/19/2015 - When It Comes to Retirement Savings, Most Workers Are on Their Own

by on October 19, 2015 11:25 pm
It’s nice that some companies are nudging employees toward putting aside more for 401(k)s, but those firms are solidly in the minority. Read the full article at at The Atlantic.
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10/16/2015 - How our decisions change with age

by on October 16, 2015 9:13 pm
One thing we don’t need science to prove: nobody over 40 will ever understand the decision-making process of a teenager. The reason comes down to more than just lack of intelligence or experience on the part of the teenager. The juvenile brain is fundamentally different from older brains, and those differences show up in the… Read more 10/16/2015 - How our decisions change with age
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10/13/2015 - U.S. regulator to propose investment rules to protect elderly

by on October 13, 2015 5:51 pm
A U.S. securities regulator, aiming to protect elderly clients from scams and their own diminished mental capacity, will propose rules requiring brokers to identify – when an account is opened – a “trusted” person who can make financial decisions if the client’s judgment becomes impaired. The rules also will allow firms to freeze money transfers… Read more 10/13/2015 - U.S. regulator to propose investment rules to protect elderly
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10/12/2015 - Age-associated financial vulnerability often overlooked

by on October 12, 2015 4:16 pm
A new report says doctors and consumers both tend to overlook one of the most common and devastating problems of aging – the decline in patients’ ability to manage their own financial affairs. Read the full article at Reuters.